On Aug 21, 2008, at 8:18 AM, Thorsten Scherler wrote:

still updating forrest to use cocoon-2.1.x and I found a problem in the

I am not sure whether someone is using the cocoon cli ATM. Forrest is
based around this component.

https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FOR-955?focusedCommentId=12624340 #action_12624340

I found that in
org .apache .cocoon.components.pipeline.impl.AbstractCachingProcessingPipeline line 245
Object lock =
the lock is null which causes the NPE in the end.

I changed it the following way:
                    Object lock =
+                    if (null==lock){
+                      lock =
+                    }
                    try {

and now it is working as before.

Can somebody verify that it is a bug? Should I commit the patch?

It is a bug, but with proposed change you can get a deadlock under some conditions (IIRC, when using parallels inclusion in the sitemap which ultimately pull from the same pipeline). The idea behind that lock is to synchronize on the main request (top most request), and not on any of sub-request object created during aggregation. Suitable alternative would be to lock against top most command line request.


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