hepabolu wrote:
> As one of the initiators of the current Daisy documentation route, I am
> feeling the same pain. My current use of Cocoon is 0% although I can't
> get myself to unsubscribe from the lists. ;-)
> The current pace of development is too quick to help out in
> documentation if you're not heavily involved in the project.
> My initial ideas about this setup was that it's fairly easy and quick to
> open up a page in Daisy and start adding documentation. That way the
> chances of actually adding documentation increase. Anything that takes a
> lot of time will spoil the chance of actual writing.
> Don't think that each page in Daisy should immediately be added to the
> general site, but use the update frequency to let it simmer and improve
> the quality.
Once you have a page, adding/editing the docs is easy with Daisy -
that's fine; but adding new pages or new folders has always been a
mystery for me. There are some docs on how to do this, but even
following them is rather complicated. Anyway, if the people who
contribute to the docs are fine with this setup, its great. In most of
the other Apache projects I'm working on, we're using Confluence which
has the important advantage that the installation is supported by infra.

It would be great if someone could find out why the docs for the spring
configurator are not linked anymore on our site (or I'm still too dumb
to find the links). Thanks

Carsten Ziegeler

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