Hi folks,
I am playing quite a lot these days with Cocoon 3 because I had the insane idea to build a CMS frontend framework upon its solid foundations :-)

Among other things (for which I'll write some other e-mails), I see that the XSLTTransformer is currently implemented with a LRU cache using the sole filename as key. This would imply that XSLT files get never reloaded, even such feature would be extremely useful when developing XSLT.

What do you think if I modify the current XSLTTransformer cache mechanism in order to have a more complex key (say filename + filesize)?

Anyway, do you think that [1] is still valid?

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COCOON3-62

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Apache Cocoon Committer and PMC Member

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