Le 21/06/11 18:08, Simone Tripodi a écrit :
Hi again,
that's not log4j but ant[1], it is easy&smart enough that could be
imported&  modified depending on our needs...

Commons IO also has a file monitor that was written by Torsten : http://commons.apache.org/io/ There's also http://jnotify.sourceforge.net/ that uses native services such as inotify on Linux, which should be more efficient by avoiding polling, but I haven't tried it and it depends on native libraries.

And we could make it generic in the way we can reuse the same policy
also in all transformers that require an external resource to be load
(i.e. the XSchema validator)

That's a very good idea. Checking the file at each and every use can lead to a lot of requests to the filesystem on a loaded system, to check files that actually don't move that often. So doing it in the background adds some complexity but can allow hot reloading on a live system without hurting much performances.


Sylvain Wallez - http://bluxte.net

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