Hi again guys,

just to continue speaking about "core" transformer APIs, I just
modified the transformer as you suggested, the showcase is:

        VariableExpanderTransformer expander = new
        expander.setProperty( "build.base", "/Users/cocoon" );
        expander.setProperty( "build.home", "${build.base}/workspace" );
        expander.setProperty( "dist.home", "${build.base}/downloads" );
        expander.setProperty( "text.property", "Cocoon3 rocks!" );

getClass().getResource( "/variables-expander.xml" ) )
                               .addComponent( expander )
                               .setup( System.out )

Moreover following VariableExpanderTransformer methods are available:

loadAll(Map<String, String>)
loadEnvironmentVariables() // they are prefixed with 'env.' in the context
loadSystemProperties() // Java system properties

Do you think could be useful inside a sitemap processing?
Many thanks in advance, all the best!!!


On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 4:06 PM, Simone Tripodi
<simonetrip...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi Nathaniel!
> *terrific* feedback, you already put me in the condition I'm going to
> modify the transformer adoption your suggestion!
> Clear, simple, linear - priceless!
> I'll let you know when terminated!
> -Simo
> http://people.apache.org/~simonetripodi/
> http://simonetripodi.livejournal.com/
> http://twitter.com/simonetripodi
> http://www.99soft.org/
> On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 1:38 PM, Nathaniel, Alfred
> <alfred.nathan...@six-group.com> wrote:
>> Hi Simone,
>> Why this special API call to add it to the pipeline?
>> I think is should be a regular transformer you can add any number of time 
>> wherever you need it:
>>        VariableExpander expander = new VariableExpander();
>>        expander.addProperty( "build.base", "/Users/cocoon" );
>>        expander.addProperty( "build.home", "${build.base}/workspace" );
>>        expander.addProperty( "dist.home", "${build.base}/downloads" );
>>        expander.addProperty( "text.property", "Cocoon3 rocks!" );
>> then creating and run their pipeline adding the VariableExpander:
>>        newNonCachingPipeline().setURLGenerator(
>> getClass().getResource( "/variables-expander.xml" ) )
>>                               .addTransformer( expander )
>>                               .addSerializer()
>>                               .withEmptyConfiguration()
>>                               .setup( System.out )
>>                               .execute();
>> That makes it also easier to add configuration to the expander, for example:
>> * use other marker than ${}, in case you may want generate generate a file 
>> using that syntax for its own purposes
>> * what to do if there if the property name is undefined: replace it by 
>> nothing / leave as is / throw exception
>> Also by not just using a stupid property map, it is much easier to avoid 
>> infinite recursions such as 
>> setProperty("build.home","${build.home}/workspace").
>> Cheers, Alfred.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: simone.trip...@gmail.com [mailto:simone.trip...@gmail.com] On Behalf 
>> Of Simone Tripodi
>> Sent: Donnerstag, 15. Dezember 2011 18:02
>> To: dev@cocoon.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: [C3] new pipeline component: variabelExpander
>> Hi Robby :)
>> On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 5:56 PM, Robby Pelssers <robby.pelss...@nxp.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> Would it be justified to say that it acts as some kind of transformer 
>>> (although non-xslt based) in this case which replaces all variable 
>>> references with the value from the Map or Properties provided?
>> exactly, it just replaces plain text inside attributes/body elements :P
>>> And I suppose it works on any text, not just XML?!
>> Not ATM, it works as XmlTransformer :(
>>> Bring it on ;-)
>> I'll do, thanks! :)
>> best;
>> -Simo
>> http://people.apache.org/~simonetripodi/
>> http://simonetripodi.livejournal.com/
>> http://twitter.com/simonetripodi
>> http://www.99soft.org/
>> The content of this e-mail is intended only for the confidential use of the 
>> person addressed.
>> If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender and delete 
>> this e-mail immediately.
>> Thank you.

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