
I will actually work soon on 2.1 issues (at least those I've opened). I also want to have a look to all existing 2.1 issues, to measure the distance to an eventual 2.1.12 release in a near future. So please don't close all 2.1 entries right now.

It is IMHO a good thing to merge the two JIRA projects, but we should take care to the various components spread accross different versions. Cocoon 2.1 blocks are for instance a non sense for Cocoon 3, as well as Cocoon 3 components does not mean anything for Cocoon 2.x
We could maybe rename such components with a prefix indicating their version ?


Le 03/01/2012 11:59, Jasha Joachimsthal a écrit :
Merging those projects is good, but only if we clean up COCOON. There is a long list of issues with patches (there used to be a weekly mail with them) and an even longer list of unresolved issues. If we keep these issues open, it will be harder to see what we're working on and what we're dragging with us for years. IMO we can close the 2.1 and 2.2 issues that were created in 2010 or earlier with resolution "won't fix". They can always be reopened (or re-created) when someone is actually going to work on them.
Jasha Joachimsthal

Europe - Amsterdam - Oosteinde 11, 1017 WT Amsterdam - +31(0)20 522 4466
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2012/1/3 Francesco Chicchiriccò <ilgro...@apache.org>
Hi devs,
as you all know, you currently have two separate projects on Apache JIRA, COCOON and COCOON3.

Since there is currently a plan for restructuring the SVN tree [1], what if we unify these two projects on JIRA as well?
AFAIK, this should involve:
1. create new versions and components on COCOON
2. move all tickets from COCOON3 to COCOON
3. close COCOON3



[1] http://old.nabble.com/Re%3A--C3--Import-subprojects-proposal--WAS%3A-Re%3A--c3--Log4j-injection-in-target-of-blocks--td32880500.html
Francesco Chicchiriccò

Apache Cocoon Committer and PMC Member



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