On Tue, 2012-01-03 at 11:59 +0100, Jasha Joachimsthal wrote:
> Merging those projects is good, but only if we clean up COCOON. There
> is a long list of issues with patches (there used to be a weekly mail
> with them) and an even longer list of unresolved issues. If we keep
> these issues open, it will be harder to see what we're working on and
> what we're dragging with us for years. IMO we can close the 2.1 and
> 2.2 issues that were created in 2010 or earlier with resolution "won't
> fix". They can always be reopened (or re-created) when someone is
> actually going to work on them.

Something like they do in the linux dist. Everything that did not get
attention for x month get "won't fix". I could life with that.

...but yeah IMO we need to have a apply-patches phase prior to the
merge, to get the outstanding patches for 2.x closed and we have a
cleaner list.

Thorsten Scherler <thorsten.at.apache.org>
codeBusters S.L. - web based systems
<consulting, training and solutions>

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