On 01/03/2012 10:41 AM, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:
Hi devs,
cocoon-sample and cocoon-archetype-block do use cocoon-maven-plugin to
prepare and deploy a block to a local jetty, featuring some class
reloading feature.

It could be an idea to remove cocoon-maven-plugin and profit from class
reloading features of Tomcat 7 [1] (for instance) with support of Cargo
for managing and configuring Tomcat instance.

We may, of course, continue (actually, start again) support for
cocoon-maven-plugin. but I have more a feeling that we could better
concentrate on C3 development, instead.

What's the problem with the cocoon-maven-plugin?

Reinhard Pötz         Founder & Managing Director, Indoqa and Deepsearch

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member                  reinh...@apache.org

      Furthermore, I think Oracle has to honor the JSPA agreement.
    http://s.apache.org/JCPIsDead       http://s.apache.org/tck-trap

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