On 03/14/2012 11:19 AM, Robby Pelssers wrote:

Hi guys,

I was just having a chat with my colleague about writing servlet services in one block and using them in another block. And I told him apparently you can only return xml from a servlet service. I found this out by writing a service (plain old XSLT) which takes as input XML and returns text or in my particular case JSON.

Whereas this XSLT gets the job done if I use it in a regular pipeline, I could not use it in a servlet service. Is there a good reason the output from a servlet service can only be XML? On the docs from C3 for instance http://cocoon.apache.org/3.0/reference/html-single/index.html I read following statement:

It is the responsibility of the |Producer| to decide whether a specific |Consumer| can be linked to it or not (that is, whether it can produce output in the desired format of the |Consumer| or not).

Does this mean C3 would not have this restriction?

I am not sure what you are referring to but it strikes me ought "a servlet service can only be XML". Need to find some time to setup a small test myself, but AFAIK the service can return whatever.


Thorsten Scherler<scherler.at.gmail.com>
codeBusters S.L. - web based systems
<consulting, training and solutions>


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