On 06/06/2012 17:29, Javier Puerto wrote:
> 2012/6/5 Thorsten Scherler <thors...@apache.org
> <mailto:thors...@apache.org>>
>     On 05/28/2012 10:26 AM, Thorsten Scherler wrote:
>         Hello all,
>         I propose Javier Puerto as a new Cocoon committer and PMC member.
>     I counted only positive (>3 binding) votes.
>     Welcome Javier as new Cocoon committer and PMC member. 
>     Being a committer enables easier contribution to the project since
>     there is no need to go via the patch submission process. This
>     should enable better productivity.
>     Being a PMC member enables assistance with the management and to
>     guide the direction of the project.
>     Since Javier is already an ASF committer we will now ask for the
>     project karma for him.
> Thanks to everybody, I will do my best as new Cocoon commiter and PMC.
> Last two weeks, I didn't have time for cocoon development but I expect
> to continue next week with the IncludeTransformer caching. Also I want
> to create a diagram with the current caching implementation so we can
> follow the current implementation easier.

Welcome on board, Javier!

I am looking forward to hear about your work on IncludeTransformer
caching, especially because I am currently working on COCOON3-62
(XSLTTransformer caching) :-)

Francesco Chicchiriccò

ASF Member, Apache Cocoon PMC and Apache Syncope PPMC Member

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