Actually my preference would be to help out documenting.  Not sure yet how to 
tackle this to be of most added value.  I bought e.g. Play for Scala book which 
helped me really getting a quick-start with that framework, although play also 
have pretty good documentation showing how to do individual things.  The nice 
thing about the book is that it combines all these things in a step-by-step 
approach. And they have a few sample apps which you can download from github.

Just to give an example... Cocoon's focus is on publishing... right?

We at NXP are combining XSLT/ XQuery which makes a pretty interesting use case. 
 I would be interested to start a (perhaps even dedicated) new blog showing how 
to build a webapp using these technologies. On the other hand I do think we 
need to fill in the dots for the main C3 documentation.  

If your question is.. you're in?  Yes... I am.


-----Original Message-----
From: Francesco Chicchiriccò [] 
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 11:32 AM
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Release plan

On 12/11/2012 11:17, Robby Pelssers wrote:
> Hi Francesco,
> Sounds like a good plan to me. We should make sure that all open tasks 
> are JIRA tickets and we should have on our front page listed which 
> tickets are in scope for 3.0.0 release.  (perhaps also with status). 
> And if possible a target release date ;-)

Ok, but this sounds like an answer only for question (1) below; what about the 
other question? ;-)

> This will give everyone a clear overview and a focus what to work on.  And 
> maybe we can discuss internally in what order the tickets should be resolved 
> in order to work efficiently.

Fair enough.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Francesco Chicchiriccò []
> Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 10:25 AM
> To:
> Subject: [DISCUSS] Release plan
> Hi all,
> yet another thread asking about Cocoon project vitality [1] was recently 
> started.
> Besides other things, one of major issues seems to be the lack of a stable C3 
> release (but also missing updates for C2.2).
> =================
> About C2.2.1, there is an outstanding request by Thorsten [2] asking for 
> support on releasing the C2.2.X series.
> This means we could do this with no code effort: we just need someone either 
> acting as RM or supporting Thorsten (I guess) as RM.
> =================
> About C3, we *really* need to provide a stable release in the near
> future: the last official release is still alpha and, even though most of us 
> are running latest SNAPSHOTs in production environment, we cannot ask this to 
> end-users.
> AFAICT, the major outstanding issues that need to be solved before attempting 
> to release 3.0.0-beta-1 (and after this a 3.0.0 release) are related to:
>  * caching: COCOON3-30 / COCOON3-100 - an imperfect solution was 
> implemented for COCOON3-61 (which actually needs some additional 
> fixing I am going to provide in the next two weeks for a customer) 
> that can be applied to COCOON3-100 as well; I'd rather move COCOON3-30 
> (and other caching improvements) to C3 3.0.1
>  * problems running >2 C3 webapps in the same container (COCOON3-107):
> together with Javier and Thorsten, during hackaton at latest ApacheCon 
> EU 2012, we have probably found a way to fix this but performed no 
> implementation yet
> We have also other stuff [3] but I'd move any other issue to either 3.0.X or 
> 3.1.0.
> Finally, we have some outstanding proposals for improving the pipeline APIs 
> from Simone [4] and Reinhard [5]: I'd push this anyway to C3 3.1.0.
> In addition to the code issues above, we need to improve and finish the 
> documentation [6], still plenty of 'TBW' and javadocs (COCOON3-92); I would 
> take these as blockers for 3.0.0, but not for 3.0.0-beta-1.
> =================
> My questions now are:
>  1. Would you agree with the above drafted release plan?
>  2. If so, who is available to help with these tasks? Consider that 
> documentation tasks are an easier way to contribute to the project even 
> without development skills.
> If you've been using C3 and appreciate this, please don't deny your
> help: we really need it!
> Regards.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3] 
> n.jira.plugin.system.project%3Aissues-panel
> [4]
> [5]
> [6] 
> x/reference

Francesco Chicchiriccò

ASF Member, Apache Cocoon PMC and Apache Syncope PPMC Member

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