On 07/12/2012 08:44, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:
On 07/12/2012 08:14, David Crossley wrote:
I spent some time to attempt to upgrade the guts of Forrest
to utilise today's Cocoon-2.1.12-dev version.


Hooray, it works.

That's very good news!

As explained there it would also be good to upgrade some of the
supporting products dependencies in Cocoon. Forrest has some that
are newer than Cocoon and vice versa. We probably each have some
that are out-of-date.

It makes sense: would you like to open an issue for this?

To summarize, what's missing now to release 2.1.12?

Hi all,
is everything tracked into JIRA [1]?

If so, we are only 3 issues away from releasing 2.1.12, wonderful!


[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20COCOON%20AND%20fixVersion%20%3D%20%222.1.12-dev%20(Current%20SVN)%22%20AND%20status%20in%20(Open%2C%20Reopened)%20ORDER%20BY%20priority%20DESC

Francesco Chicchiriccò

ASF Member, Apache Syncope PMC chair, Apache Cocoon PMC Member

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