On Wed, 8 Oct 2008, sebb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 08/10/2008, Stefan Bodewig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Wed, 8 Oct 2008, sebb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >  > Given that compress is in the sandox, it seems strange that it affects
> >  > so many projects.
> >  >
> >  > Do they really all depend on compress?
> >
> >
> > Transitively, commons-vfs depends on commons-compress
> The odd thing is that I cannot find the compress dependency in the
> Ant/Maven2 files; compress is listed in project.xml, but commented
> out.

Gump uses Ant to build commons-vfs.

> Looks like the VFS gump descriptor may be out of synch with what the
> project actually needs. Perhaps it was not updated when VFS moved from
> the sandbox?

Quite possible, I don't think anybody took care of it apart from
moving it over at all.

> I suppose one could make the dependency optional (or remove it) and
> see what happens...

Feel free to do so 8-)

> BTW, there is a gump.xml in VFS SVN trunk - but it is clearly out of
> date, as it refers to jakarta. Does Gump support external descriptors?

It does, but at least I prefer to have them in Gump's part of the svn
repo (which all ASF committers have write access to).

Historically some projects wanted to use the Gump descriptor during
their own builds (Cocoon and Excalibur).  Unfortunately they
frequently broke the descriptor and it was in a place where nobody who
cared (me) could fix them.

> I thought they all had to be in the gump/metadata/project directory.

Not technically.  The location of the descriptor in the profile and
workspace is an URL, it just happens to be a relative one for most if
not all descriptors.


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