On Wed, 2008-11-05 at 10:55 +0100, Paul Libbrecht wrote:

> Jelly is still unbeatable as a glue in xml processing.

I think that is a conjecture, a claim even, that needs justification and
support.  Groovy, Python, Ruby people would argue (and I think quite
rightly) that XML is a data specification notation that has no
computational model, and shouldn't have.  Groovy, Python and Ruby have
all the computational model and XML processing features needed -- or if
they don't they should have.

> What took James from Jelly, I think, is Groovy but that is  
> incomparable... data in groovy is just as ugly as data in java while  
> data in jelly is kind of natural and mixing data and scripting is  
> exactly where jelly is at glory.

Lisp is probably what you really want :-)

Dr Russel Winder                 Partner

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