On Sun, 2008-11-09 at 04:35 +0000, John Spackman wrote:
[ . . . ]
> I am prepared to upgrade Jelly to Maven2 (not that I know much about what 
> that involves, yet) and to improve the website but I have to be confident 
> that the changes will happen quickly and easily, and that the project will 
> not be retired.  Please don't get me wrong - I am very grateful for your 
> offer to apply patches etc sent via JIRA but I am cautious as I think of the 
> potential extra work that would entail and how much simpler it would be if I 
> could just issue an SVN commit.
[ . . . ]

Forgive me for butting in on a conversation but . . . 

Isn't this whole Subversion centralism problem solved by using a DVCS
such as Bazaar, or Git -- and soon, I gather, Mercurial.

Bazaar and Git can both be used as Subversion clients, using the bzr-svn
and git-svn plugins respectively -- and I believe Mercurial will getting
equivalent capability in the future.  A Bazaar branch and a Git
repository carry the entire history, can be rebased, can be used to
create patches, and indeed you can commit to a Subversion repository
direct from a branch or repository.

For a couple of my projects, Codehaus is the host so the central
mainline is a Subversion repository.  However most work is done using
Bazaar or Git since people do not need an account to be able to work
using a full VCS.  Using a DVCS makes working on a FOSS project truly

Dr Russel Winder                 Partner

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