
> From: Ralph Goers [mailto:ralph.go...@dslextreme.com]
> I'm not a big fan of that.

Me too, any decent logging facility should allow to configure the logger on a 
"per package" level, so no problem to make the logging silent for a given 

> I'd prefer to switch to SLF4J and just replace

Everyone in commons land is using commons-logging, no?
There is no good reason to leave this path. Sure, for my work-projects I use 
slf4j too, lately I even use the Java Logging API (which is worse), but always 
by using a the commons-logging API (not the Impl, just the API)

Everyone wanting to use slf4j can easily do that by using the 
slf4j-commons-logging adapter and removing the commons-logging jar. Not a big 
There is no benefit in switching to slf4j at all for commons-vfs, or?

>               if (log.isDebugEnabled())
>               {
>                       log.debug("putFile: " + file.getName());
>               }
> with
>               logger.entry(file.getName());

This is not the same, in the second example getName() gets evaluated every 
time, regardless of the configured log-level. Depending on how complicated it 
is to collect the message, this might become a performance problem. the if 
(log.isXXXEnabled()) prevents that.

I'd prefer to keep it the way it is. 


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