Hello developers,

I took a little time to try to rebuild the site so as to answer the question of Oliver Heger on the commons-users mailing-list and it turned out to be less painful then expected.

I uploaded a preview of the rebuild at:
which contains the following adjustments:
- a response to him in the FAQ
- an upgrade of the getting-started to point to maven-1.1 and not maven (which doesn't speak of jelly at all)
- a warning on top of the index.html saying "low development activity"
These three pages are already uploaded to the site, isolatedly, and should be visible soon.

I would appreciate if experienced commons site makers can take a look and the above URL and tell me if it's acceptable (meaning: better than the current!). I might be able then, later, to upgrade slowly other parts of the website, in particular the broken the "tag reference" pages which Dion left us.

thanks in advance.


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