I think there are 2 mechanisms involved here:

a.) the part which takes a jar, scans it's bytecode in a well performing manner 
and provides all the class structure information to the user.

b.) a mechanism which allows to reuse this scanning process for multiple 
'classscan-clients'. Currently OWB, OpenEJB, tomcat, MyFaces, OpenJPA, etc each 
scan all the classpath over and over again. That sucks and we should get rid of 


----- Original Message -----
> From: "Honton, Charles" <charles_hon...@intuit.com>
> To: Commons Developers List <dev@commons.apache.org>
> Cc: 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 2:45 AM
> Subject: Re: [classscan]
> Dave,
> Thanks for the history lesson. 
> Chas
> On Apr 23, 2012, at 5:07 PM, "David Blevins" 
> <david.blev...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  On Apr 23, 2012, at 3:22 PM, Honton, Charles wrote:
>>>  Where are these two solutions?
>>  Before I answer let me state I have no interest in any particular outcome.  
> I get pinged occasionally on "scanning", I pop my head up and try to 
> be helpful, but exactly what I'm supposed to help do has always been hazy. 
> :)  So I just go back to work.
>>  So....  Your code looks good.  Looks like it's looking for a home and 
> paperwork is ready to go.  I suspect you use it and like it.  I don't see a 
> reason to wait on moving it here.
>>  I wrote the xbean-finder lib which is why I keep getting pinged.  It's 
> the scanning library used by OpenEJB, TomEE, and Geronimo.  Struts uses a 
> copy 
> of it.  It has moved around a lot: Codehaus OpenEJB -> Codehaus XBean -> 
> Apache XBean.  It's been proposed to move it yet again to Commons.  Whatever 
> makes people happy.
>>  Anyway, looks like I've been pinged again.  My head's up.  Willing 
> to help if it's clear what that help is supposed to be.  Meantime going back 
> to work.... :)
>>  -David
>>>  On 4/23/12 3:16 PM, "David Blevins" 
> <david.blev...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>  I think I've lost sight of what problem we're trying to 
> solve.
>>>>  If the goal is to create a scanning library everyone can use, to me 
> it
>>>>  looks like we've solved that twice.
>>>>  Reminds me of this xkcd http://xkcd.com/927
>>>>  -David
>>>>  On Apr 23, 2012, at 1:54 PM, Honton, Charles wrote:
>>>>>  Can we agree on the interface before debating the 
> implementation?
>>>>>  Thanks,
>>>>>  Chas
>>>>>  On 4/22/12 10:48 AM, "Mark Struberg" 
> <strub...@yahoo.de> wrote:
>>>>>>  Hi!
>>>>>>  Still had no time to grok the source as I was at a 
> conference last
>>>>>>  week.
>>>>>>  Please note that David Blevins did lots of work in this 
> area as well in
>>>>>>  xbean-finder.
>>>>>>  This stuff is really fast - a few times faster than the 
> other solutions
>>>>>>  available...
>>>>>>  Thus before we import new classes we should evaluate the 
> options and do
>>>>>>  proper benchmarking.
>>>>>>  LieGrue,
>>>>>>  strub
>>>>>>  ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>  From: Matt Benson <gudnabr...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>  To: Commons Developers List 
> <dev@commons.apache.org>
>>>>>>>  Cc: 
>>>>>>>  Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 5:21 PM
>>>>>>>  Subject: Re: [classpath,meiyo]
>>>>>>>  Agreed; there are any number of things the PMC needs to 
> agree upon
>>>>>>>  here.  WRT the name:  trying to reconstruct the past, I 
> think Mark and
>>>>>>>  I must have just agreed offline to call the community 
> work [classscan]
>>>>>>>  based on his "classscanner" name.  I lean 
> here, but could possibly be
>>>>>>>  persuaded to [classpath] which name suggests a slightly 
> larger
>>>>>>>  potential scope (not necessarily a bad thing).
>>>>>>>  Matt
>>>>>>>  On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 10:09 AM, Gary Gregory
>>>>>>>  <garydgreg...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>>>>  On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 10:56 AM, Honton, Charles
>>>>>>>  <charles_hon...@intuit.com
>>>>>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>>>>>  I've submitted an ICLA and company has 
> submitted CCLA.  I see next
>>>>>>>  steps
>>>>>>>>>  as:
>>>>>>>>>  1.  Agree on name: meiyo or classpath? (Or 
> something else?)
>>>>>>>>  Please pick a name that makes it obvious, not 
> meiyo, classpath is OK,
>>>>>>>>  we
>>>>>>>>  can/should have a thread just for the name.
>>>>>>>>  Recall that we currently agreed to change Sanselan 
> to Imaging.
>>>>>>>>  Gary
>>>>>>>>>  2.  Agree on package name.
>>>>>>>>>  3.  Create source repository.
>>>>>>>>>  4.  Move code from GitHub
>>>>>>>>>  (https://github.com/chonton/meiyo-sandbox)
>>>>>>>>>  5.  Give major contributors repository 
> permission.
>>>>>>>>>  6.  Hash out any missing functionality
>>>>>>>>>  7.  Get dependencies released (bcel right now)
>>>>>>>>>  8.  A release so others can take it out for a 
> spinŠ
>>>>>>>>>  Who can help me with these step?
>>>>>>>>>  Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>  chas
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