On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 11:52:07AM -0700, Phil Steitz wrote:
> On 7/31/12 3:34 AM, Dennis Hendriks wrote:
> > See answers below.
> >
> > On 07/31/2012 12:00 PM, Gilles Sadowski wrote:
> >> On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 08:18:13AM +0200, Dennis Hendriks wrote:
> >>>> * Why doesn't "KolmogorovSmirnovDistribution" implement one of the
> >>>>     interfaces of the package (and/or inherit from an abstract
> >>>> class)?
> >>>
> >>> See also:
> >>> http://apache-commons.680414.n4.nabble.com/math-KolmogorovSmirnovDistribution-not-part-of-the-distribution-hierarchy-td4114395.html
> >>
> >> Thanks for digging that thread out.
> >> Do I rightly deduce that it is unfinished work, which should give
> >> rise to a
> >> JIRA ticket?
> >
> > That would be my guess.
> Yep.  Per the tread above, the reason this class exists is to enable
> Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, which it pretty much does.  See MATH-437. 
> I have no idea how to implement the missing distribution methods or
> if anyone would ever use them if we did, so it may be better to just
> move this class to .stat.inference, which is what it is really for.

Shall we deprecate (in "o.a.c.m.distribution") the whole class then?
[And move the functionality as you propose.]

Is a JIRA ticket needed for this, or a log message referring to MATH-437 is

>   Making it package scope there and adding a class with some doco
> and wrapper methods to make setting up and executing K-S tests would
> likely be more valuable than trying to fill out the distribution
> methods.  Of course, if anyone has ideas on how to implement the
> missing methods, patches are welcome :)
> >
> >>>> * Why is method "probability(double)" part of the
> >>>> "RealDistribution"
> >>>>     interface? [All implementations return 0.]
> >>>
> >>> My guess would be that it is left over from when integer and real
> >>> distributions shared a common hierarchy.
> >>
> >> I would agree with the guess.
> >> Does everyone agree to deprecate this method (in 3.1) and remove
> >> it (in
> >> 4.0)?
> >
> > +1
> -0 - Without this, we can't represent non-discrete distributions
> that assign positive mass to singletons.  Could be no big loss, but
> in the archives there is discussion of non-continuous distributions,
> which such a beast would have to be, and I think we agreed that we
> want to be able to support / represent them.

Adding support later (when we have at least one implementation of such a
thing) is always feasible.
Keeping a useless method is mildly confusing.

> We have split
> distributions into Integer (which really means discrete) and "Real"
> (which means essentially everything else).  So basically while all
> currently implemented real distributions have probability(-)
> identically zero, there are (non-discrete) distributions over the
> reals that do not have this property and we may want to enable users
> to represent them.

I still think that CM is far from stable enough that users would base their
code on CM's set of interfaces.
IMO, interfaces should collect shared functionality of actual
implementations, but there there is currently none for which the one-arg
"probability" method is not trivial.

> Could be these cases are so non-standard as to
> not be worth worrying about; but I don't see harm in leaving the
> method in, so -0 for the deprecation.

I'd propose that, at least, the method is implemented in
"AbstractRealDistribution", so that actual (non-exotic) distribution
classes don't need to provide a useless method.

> >
> >>>> * Shouldn't the "cumulativeProbability(double x0, double x1)"
> >>>> method be
> >>>>    renamed "probability(double x0, double x1)"?
> >>
> >> Does everyone agree to deprecate this method (in 3.1) and remove
> >> and replace
> >> it (in 4.0) with a method named "probability(double x0, double x1)"?
> >
> > I would prefer to:
> >  - add new method (3.1)
> >  - deprecate old method (3.1)
> >  - move impl to new method (3.1)
> >  - redirect old method to new method (3.1)
> >  - remove old method (4.0)
> >
> > That way, we can now change our code to use the new method, and
> > not get any deprecation warnings on use of the old deprecated
> > method, for which no alternative exists...
> Sounds like a reasonable approach and +1 for the rename.

All right; only the addition of the new method in the "RealDistribution"
interface must be postponed to 4.0.


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