Apologies for the cross-post.  Please respond to just the dev list.

I am going to do a talk on Commons Math at Apachecon US in Portland
next February.  One of the things I want to do in the talk is to
present some examples of practical use of the library.  I would love
to get some examples from the community that I could use, with
acknowledgement, under the ASL.

Ideal examples can be described simply (i.e., not too much arcane
domain-specific theory needed to understand the practical
application) and use [math] APIs simply and directly.  For example,
one of my own applications is a discrete event simulator that uses
[math] APIs to generate event inter-arrival times and to accumulate
latency statistics.  Part of the goal of the talk in general and the
examples in particular is to show people how to find the things they
need to solve problems using [math], so some information on how you
found your way to the needed goodies (or helped us improve the
library so the goodies you needed were there) will also be helpful.

Thanks in advance for any contributions.  We can discuss ideas on
the dev list, or you can send me private mail.  I will take code and
descriptions in any form.



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