I appreciate your intention :) I feel this could lead to bike-shedding on
the priority queue though :( It can be tough enough to agree to release a
component as it is, without adding another level.

What might work is something more informal like: "I've worked on [foo] and
I've done all I need to get it to work for me. I'd like to see a release.
What needs doing? Ah, this and that? OK, can you help?" Or, "I want to cut
a [bar] release, can you please give a look before I waste cycles cutting
an RC?" This is basically what I've been doing at least.

There are too few of us IMO (except on [math] perhaps) to ask people to
work on a given component which they may have no interest in, for work, or


On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 5:43 PM, Benedikt Ritter <brit...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> when looking through the components and the sandbox I can see that
> development activity is very different.
> We have very few components that are been worked on constantly, most
> notably [math].
> Some components seem to be worked on, only by a few people. [configuration]
> comes to mind, where Oliver Heger is pushing a redsign of the API forward.
> Thomas Neidhart is working on [logging] and in the same time prepares
> [collections] for a 4.0 release. Oliver and Thomas are representatives for
> other people that are not mentioned here, who put a lot of effort into
> individual components.
> Furthermore we have some really promising APIs that have never been
> released like [csv], [functor], [graph], [privilizer]. It's sad, that we
> can not get those into a releasable state.
> Now I was asking myself how we can improve things. For me the collaboration
> with other developers always is the most fun (and the most instructive).
> This is why I was trying to get involved in more components recently. I
> believe if several people work together on one component at a time, overall
> development speed will increase.
> With this thread I want to bring up a discussion regarding medium-term
> development goals for commons. It may be a good thing if could agree on
> something like: "Until end of this year we want to push out collections
> 4.0" or just "Let us focus attention on [csv] to finally push out the first
> release soon".
> I know that most of us work for commons in their free time and almost
> certainly want to develop on the components they are really interested in.
> This is why my intention is not to create rules, like "nobody is allowed to
> do commits for components other than [graph] until we have a release", but
> to define a shared goal to focus resources and enhance development speed
> and fun (at least for me ;-)
> Benedikt
> --
> http://people.apache.org/~britter/
> http://www.systemoutprintln.de/
> http://twitter.com/BenediktRitter
> http://github.com/britter

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