On Sun, 10 Sep 2017 12:35:17 -0400, Raymond DeCampo wrote:
I know I haven't been around lately, but I this exchange caught my eye.

I was trying to figure out a way to balance the issues, first, that there
is resistance to creating a large number of projects spun out from CM

Depending on what is being counted (released, approved by
contributors, approved by PMC), "large" would qualify a
quantity that varies between 2 and 5.

[The supposed amount of added work has been long dwarfed
by endless arguing that amounts to discouraging any further
work on CM code.]

So the "resistance" argues on a baseless fear.

second, that there is a practical limit to how large a project can be
maintained with the current resources.

That is a fact, proved by the last two years of (in)activity
on CM.

What I came up with is as follows: suppose we take CM and split it up into
a number of modules.  Then within the project we treat each module
independently for the purposes of maintenance, release etc. So that if the geometry module is ready to cut a new release it may do so without being
held up by issues in the other modules.

So, how to accomplish this and still have CM appear to be and behave like one project? Each module would have it's own development branch. In the master branch would be a copy of the last released version of each module. Development happens in the development branch. When a module is ready to release, it merges into the master branch, bumps the version and releases
the whole thing (i.e. all of CM).

So, e.g. say CM 4.3.5 has versions 4.1.7 of the linear algebra module and 4.2.8 of the geometry module. The geometry module is ready to make a new release, so it merges into master and bumps CM to 4.3.6 and geometry to 4.2.9. The linear algebra module stays at 4.1.7. So CM 4.3.6 is the same
as 4.3.5 except for the geometry module, which is now at 4.2.9.

Please (re)read that thread (from 10 months ago):

Is your proposal different?

While working this out I took a stab at splitting CM into modules. I ran into issues with the stats & distribution packages as many of the tests for other classes depend on them. So there's some work there to detangle some
of the packages.  But I was able to split out geometry, transform,
optimizers, filter, diffeq and machine learning without a lot of trouble. See https://github.com/RayDeCampo/commons-math/tree/modules if you are

This pretty much agrees with my observations (and analyses
thereof), presented here several times, last installment of
which was:



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