On 13/06/2019 15:59, Gary Gregory wrote:
Now that RNG is up and going, it seems odd to still have:

org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils.shuffle(double[], Random)

Should we deprecate these APIs in favor of Commons RNG and if so which RNG

Shuffling is in the commons-rng-sampling component.

Shuffling for int[] primitive arrays is in the PermutationSampler [1].

Shuffling for a List<T> is in the ListSampler [2].

Currently there are methods to shuffle the entire length, or part of the length starting from a position and shuffling to the start or end of the array / list.

There is no method for:

- Shuffling a subsequence within the array / list defined by either start and length or start and end.

- Shuffling an array T[]

- Shuffling primitive arrays other than int[] (This requires a bit of work [3])

[Lang] ArrayUtils only shuffles the full array but supports all primitive array types and Object[]. It does not support a shuffle of T[].

So there is only partial overlap between the libraries. There is not a like for like swap to deprecate ArrayUtils methods in favour of Commons RNG methods.

I think it is quite a common use case to want to shuffle full length arrays. I'm not sure about sub-sequence shuffles but one is a super-set of the other.

To deprecate ArrayUtils shuffle methods would require a new class in RNG to support this for all primitives and a generic type T following this prototype:

ArrayUtils.shuffle(UniformRandomProvider rng, double[] data)
ArrayUtils.shuffle(UniformRandomProvider rng, double[] data, int start, int length)

I'm not opposed to adding the methods to Commons RNG. Either in the current sampling module or perhaps a new commons-rng-utils module instead since a shuffle is not really a sample unless you use a subsequence from the shuffled array.


[1] http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-rng/commons-rng-sampling/javadocs/api-1.2/org/apache/commons/rng/sampling/PermutationSampler.html

[2] http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-rng/commons-rng-sampling/javadocs/api-1.2/org/apache/commons/rng/sampling/ListSampler.html

[3] Supporting all the primitive avoids the currently usage to shuffle a non-integer array which requires:

- Clone the input array
- Shuffle a newly allocated int[] of ascending indices
- Use the shuffled indices to copy data from the clone back to the input array

This has unnecessary allocation overhead.

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