It is not too late to update the BloomFIlter interface to have the merge
return a boolean.  The incorrect Shape would still throw an exception, so
the return value would only come into play if the bits could not be set.


On Mon, Mar 2, 2020 at 7:56 AM Claude Warren <> wrote:

> for the remove(), add(), and subtract() methods I agree that void is not
> correct and it should be boolean and be the same as the value you would get
> from calling isValid().
> You are correct the getCounts() should return an iterator of some type on
> int[], I don't know why I thought long[].  I am happy with a plain
> Iterator<int[]> as the return.
> Claude
> On Mon, Mar 2, 2020 at 1:02 AM Alex Herbert <>
> wrote:
>> > On 1 Mar 2020, at 15:39, Claude Warren <> wrote:
>> >
>> > I think the CountingBloomFilter interface needs to extend BloomFilter.
>> I said that but did not write it, sorry.
>> >
>> > I think I am confused.
>> >
>> > I would expect CountingBloomFilter to have
>> >
>> > interface CountingBloomFilter extends BloomFilter {
>> >    // these 2 methods are the reverse of merge()
>> >    void remove( BloomFilter );
>> >    void remove( Hasher );
>> Fine. Same intention but different method names. But why void? It forces
>> you to check if the remove was valid with a second call. On the plus side
>> it matches the void merge(…) methods and in most cases a user would not
>> care to check anyway. If they are controlling the filter then leave it to
>> them to make sure they do not remove something they did not add.
>> >
>> >    // these 2 methods are the addition/subtraction of counts
>> >    void add( CountingBloomFilter )
>> >    void subtract( CountingBloomFilter );
>> Fine. But same comment as above with the void return.
>> >
>> >    // 2 methods to retrieve data
>> >    Stream<long[]> getCounts();
>> I don’t like this use of long[]. In my previous post I argued that if you
>> were to ever want to store more than max integer items in a filter then the
>> Bloom filter would have more bit indices than max integer. So we never have
>> to support long counts. A filter that exceeds max integer for a count is
>> highly likely to be saturated and no use as a filter anyway.
>> For most backing implementations the object type of the stream will be
>> different so you will have to write a Spliterator<T> implementation or wrap
>> some iterator anyway. So why not return the Spliterator:
>>    Spliterator<int[]> getCounts();
>> Since the backing implementation will likely not store int[] pairs then
>> this will have a lot of object creation and garbage collection overhead to
>> go through the counts. This does not seem to be a big concern here if the
>> purpose is the same as for the BloomFilter for long[] getBits(), i.e. to
>> get a canonical representation for storage.
>> Note: The Spliterator may not have a known size (number of non zero bits)
>> at creation, for example if the counts are stored in a fixed size array.
>> Thus efficient parallel traversal by binary tree splitting is limited by
>> how evenly the counts are distributed. For a backing implementation using a
>> collection then the size should be known. In this case a Spliterator would
>> be of more use than a plain Iterator. You can convert one to the other
>> using:
>> java.util.Spliterators:
>> public static<T> Iterator<T> iterator(Spliterator<? extends T>
>> spliterator)
>> public static <T> Spliterator<T> spliterator(Iterator<? extends T>
>> iterator,
>>                                                  long size,
>>                                                  int characteristics)
>> So which to choose for the API?
>> The Hasher currently uses an Iterator:
>> PrimitiveIterator.OfInt getBits(Shape shape);
>> In the case of a StaticHasher this could return a spliterator. But the
>> DynamicHasher needs a reworking of the internal Iterator class. It could be
>> a Spliterator to use the new IntConsumer API but in most (all) cases
>> splitting would not be possible for dynamic hashing as the parts are
>> produced in order. It is likely that they will be consumed sequentially too.
>> I would suggest that Spliterator is the more modern implementation,
>> despite not always being applicable to parallelisation in a stream.
>> Currently the iterator from the Hasher is used in forEachRemaining() and
>> while loop is approximately equal measure. The while loops are for a fast
>> exit and would be uglier if rewritten for a
>> Spliterator.tryAdvance(IntConsumer) syntax.
>> There is a use of the IteratorChain in HasherBloomFilter that would need
>> a rethink for spliterators.
>> The path of least resistance is to use Iterator<int[]> for the API of
>> CountingBloomFilter to be consistent with Hasher’s use of Iterator.
>> WDYT?
>> >    boolean isValid()
>> Fine. Allows some level of feedback that the counts are corrupt.
>> > }
>> >
>> > Claude
>> >
>> >
>> > On Sun, Mar 1, 2020 at 2:48 PM Alex Herbert <
>> <>>
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>> On 1 Mar 2020, at 09:28, Claude Warren <> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> The idea of a backing array is fine and the only problem I see with
>> it is
>> >>> in very large filters (on the order of 10^8 bits and larger) but
>> document
>> >>> the size calculation and let the developer worry about it.
>> >>
>> >> Let us look at the use case where we max out the array. Using the Bloom
>> >> filter calculator:
>> >>
>> >> n = 149,363,281
>> >> p = 0.001000025 (1 in 1000)
>> >> m = 2147483647 (256MiB)
>> >> k = 10
>> >>
>> >> n = 74,681,641
>> >> p = 0.000001 (1 in 999950)
>> >> m = 2147483647 (256MiB)
>> >> k = 20
>> >>
>> >> n = 49,787,761
>> >> p = 0.000000001 (1 in 999924899)
>> >> m = 2147483647 (256MiB)
>> >> k = 30
>> >>
>> >> So you will be able to put somewhere in the order of 10^8 or 10^7 items
>> >> into the filter. I would say that anyone putting more than that into
>> the
>> >> filter has an unusual use case. The CountingBloomFilter can throw an
>> >> exception if m is too large and will throw an OutOfMemoryError if you
>> >> cannot allocate an array large enough.
>> >>
>> >> One clear point here is that you cannot use a short as a 16-bit count
>> >> would easily overflow. So you have to use an integer array for the
>> counts.
>> >>
>> >> A maximum length int[] is roughly 8GB.
>> >>
>> >> What would another implementation cost in terms of memory? The
>> >> TreeMap<Integer, Integer> was the most space efficient. In the previous
>> >> e-mail the saturation of a Bloom filter bits was approximately 50%
>> when at
>> >> the intended capacity. So we have to estimate the size of a TreeMap
>> >> containing Integer.MAX_VALUE/2 indices ~ 2^30. The memory test shows
>> the
>> >> TreeMap memory scales linearly with entries:
>> >>
>> >> 32768 /  65536 (0.500) : TreeMap<Integer, Integer>      =  1834061
>> bytes
>> >> 65536 / 131072 (0.500) : TreeMap<Integer, Integer>      =  3669080
>> bytes
>> >> 131072 / 262144 (0.500) : TreeMap<Integer, Integer>      =  7339090
>> bytes
>> >>
>> >> So what is the memory for a TreeMap with 2^30 indices. I make it about:
>> >>
>> >> (2^30 / 131,072) * 7,339,090 bytes ~ 6e10 bytes = 55.99 GB
>> >>
>> >> I would say that this amount of RAM is unusual. It is definitely not as
>> >> efficient as using an array. So very large counting Bloom filters are
>> going
>> >> to require some thought as to the hardware they run on. This may not
>> be the
>> >> case in 10 years time.
>> >>
>> >> I would say that we try an int[] backing array for the storage
>> >> implementation and document it’s limitations. A different
>> implementation
>> >> could be provided in future if required.
>> >>
>> >> This could be done by making CountingBloomFilter an interface that
>> extends
>> >> BloomFilter with the methods:
>> >>
>> >> subtract(BloomFilter filter)
>> >> subtract(Hasher filter)
>> >>
>> >> These will negate the effect of the corresponding merge(BloomFilter)
>> >> operation.
>> >>
>> >> Do we also need access to the counts and add/subtract of another
>> >> CountingBloomFilter?:
>> >>
>> >> add(CountingBloomFilter filter);
>> >> subtract(CountingBloomFilter filter);
>> >>
>> >> Iterator<int[]> getCounts();
>> >> int getSize(); // Number of items added
>> >>
>> >> The CountingBloomFilter is then an interface that defines how to
>> reverse
>> >> the merge of some bits into the filter.
>> >>
>> >> My concern is the inefficiency of the creation of objects in any method
>> >> that provides access to the counts (e.g. above using an iterator as for
>> >> Hasher.getBits()). I presume this method would be to allow some type of
>> >> storage/serialisation of the filter akin to the long[] getBits()
>> method of
>> >> BloomFilter. So it may be better done using a method:
>> >>
>> >> int getCount(int index);
>> >>
>> >> The caller can then use long[] getBits() to get the indices set in the
>> >> filter and then for each non-zero bit index call getCount(index). Or
>> just
>> >> not include the method as the counts are only of concern when storing
>> the
>> >> filter. This functionality is cleaner pushed into an implementation.
>> >>
>> >> In a previous post we discussed whether to throw an exception on
>> >> overflow/underflow or raise in an invalid flag. Using the invalid flag
>> idea
>> >> the interface would be:
>> >>
>> >> interface CountingBloomFilter {
>> >>    int add(CountingBloomFilter filter);
>> >>    int subtract(BloomFilter filter);
>> >>    int subtract(Hasher filter);
>> >>    int subtract(CountingBloomFilter filter);
>> >>    int getStatus();
>> >>
>> >>    // Maybe
>> >>    int getSize();
>> >>    int getCount(int index);
>> >> }
>> >>
>> >> The status would be negative if any operation overflowed/underflowed,
>> or
>> >> zero if OK. The current status is returned by the add/subtract methods.
>> >>
>> >> However I note that overflow may not be a concern. The number of items
>> to
>> >> add to a filter to create overflow would be using a filter with a
>> number of
>> >> bits that is unrealistic to store in memory:
>> >>
>> >> n = 2147483647
>> >> p = 0.001000025 (1 in 1000)
>> >> m = 30875634182 (3.59GiB)
>> >> k = 10
>> >>
>> >> If you want to add 2 billion items (and overflow an integer count) then
>> >> your filter would be so big it would break the rest of the API that
>> uses a
>> >> 32-bit int for the bit index.
>> >>
>> >> Thus only underflow is a realistic concern. This could be documented as
>> >> handled in an implementation specific manner (i.e. throw or ignore).
>> The
>> >> API is then simplified to:
>> >>
>> >> interface CountingBloomFilter {
>> >>    boolean add(CountingBloomFilter filter);
>> >>    boolean subtract(BloomFilter filter);
>> >>    boolean subtract(Hasher filter);
>> >>    boolean subtract(CountingBloomFilter filter);
>> >>    int getStatus();
>> >>
>> >>    // Maybe
>> >>    int getSize();
>> >>    int getCount(int index);
>> >> }
>> >>
>> >> The boolean is used to state that add/subtract did not over/underflow.
>> >> Implementations can throw if they require it.
>> >>
>> >> The question then becomes what does getSize() represent if an
>> add/subtract
>> >> did not execute cleanly. Under this scheme it would be the number of
>> (add -
>> >> subtract) operations. The status flag would be used to indicate if the
>> size
>> >> is valid, or any of the counts from getCount(). The simpler API is to
>> not
>> >> allow access to counts/size or adding/subtracting counts:
>> >>
>> >> interface CountingBloomFilter {
>> >>    boolean subtract(BloomFilter filter);
>> >>    boolean subtract(Hasher filter);
>> >>    int getStatus();
>> >>    // Or something like ...
>> >>    boolean isValid();
>> >> }
>> >>
>> >> This filter is then only concerned with reversing the merge of Bloom
>> >> filters with a valid status flag to indicate that the current state is
>> >> consistent (i.e. all filters have been cleanly merged/subtracted).
>> >>
>> >> WDYT?
>> >>
>> >>>
>> >>> As for the merge question.  merge is a standard bloom filter
>> operation.
>> >> It
>> >>> is well defined in the literature.  Merging a bloom filter into a
>> >> counting
>> >>> bloom filter means incrementing the bit counts.  I  think that
>> >> merge/remove
>> >>> should continue to operate as though the parameter were a standard
>> bloom
>> >>> filter.
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >> OK. So the count is to represent the number of filters that had a bit
>> set
>> >> at that index. This makes it more clear.
>> >>
>> >>> We had spoken of implementing and adding/deleting method pair that
>> would
>> >>> operate on CountingBloomFilters and would add/subtract the counts.
>> (e.g.
>> >>> add(CountingBloomFilter) and subtract(CountingBloomFilter))
>> >>>
>> >>> I disagree with your proposal for the merge(Hasher) implementation,
>> and I
>> >>> am not certain that an add(Hasher) makes sense.  First consider that
>> the
>> >>> Hasher returns the bits that are to be enabled in the Bloom filter so
>> >>> collisions are expected.  In the normal course of events a Hasher is
>> used
>> >>> to create a normal Bloom filter where all the duplicates are removed.
>> >> That
>> >>> filter is then merged into a CountingBloomFilter.  So in some sense
>> the
>> >>> Hasher and the normal Bloom filter are the same.  So I would expect
>> the
>> >>> merge of the Hasher and the merge of the normal Bloom filter created
>> from
>> >>> that hasher into a CountingBloomFilter to yield the same result.  If
>> you
>> >>> wanted to add an add(Hasher)/delete(Hasher) pair of functions to a
>> >>> CountingBloomFilter you could implement with duplicate counting, but
>> I am
>> >>> not certain of the validity of such a count and I fear that it muddies
>> >> the
>> >>> waters with respect to what the CountingBloomFilter is counting.
>> >>
>> >> Agreed.
>> >>
>> >>>
>> >>> Claude
>> >>>
>> >>> On Sat, Feb 29, 2020 at 2:13 PM Alex Herbert <
>> >> < <>>>
>> >>> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>> On 29 Feb 2020, at 07:46, Claude Warren < <mailto:
>>> <mailto:
>> >> <>>> wrote:
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Alex would you take a look at pull request 131 [1].  it adds a new
>> >> hasher
>> >>>>> implementation and makes the HashFunctionValidator available for
>> public
>> >>>> use.
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> <
>>> <
>> >> <
>>>> <
>> >>>> <
>>> <
>> >> <
>> >>>>
>> >>>> OK. I’ll take a look.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I’ve been thinking about the counting Bloom filter and the backing
>> >>>> storage. In summary:
>> >>>>
>> >>>> 1. The backing storage should be a fixed array.
>> >>>> 2. Merging a Hasher should count duplicate indices, not flatten them
>> all
>> >>>> to a single count.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> For background I’ve used the standard formulas to estimate the
>> number of
>> >>>> indices that will be non-zero in a Bloom filter. The wikipedia page
>> >> gives
>> >>>> this formula for the expected number of bits set to 0 (E(q)) if you
>> have
>> >>>> inserted i elements into a filter of size m using k hash functions:
>> >>>>
>> >>>> E(q) = (1 - 1/m)^ki"
>> >>>>
>> >>>> So a rough guess of the number of indices (bits) used by a filter is
>> >>>> 1-E(q).
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Here is a table of Bloom filters with different collision
>> probabilities
>> >>>> and the proportion of bits that will be set when 1%, 10%, 100% of the
>> >>>> capacity of the filter has been met:
>> >>>>
>> >>>> n       p       m       k       I       E(q)    bits
>> >>>> 1000    1E-04   19171   13      10      0.9932  0.0068
>> >>>> 1000    1E-04   19171   13      100     0.9344  0.0656
>> >>>> 1000    1E-04   19171   13      1000    0.5076  0.4924
>> >>>> 1000    1E-05   23963   17      10      0.9929  0.0071
>> >>>> 1000    1E-05   23963   17      100     0.9315  0.0685
>> >>>> 1000    1E-05   23963   17      1000    0.4919  0.5081
>> >>>> 1000    1E-06   28756   20      10      0.9931  0.0069
>> >>>> 1000    1E-06   28756   20      100     0.9328  0.0672
>> >>>> 1000    1E-06   28756   20      1000    0.4988  0.5012
>> >>>> 10000   1E-06   287552  20      100     0.9931  0.0069
>> >>>> 10000   1E-06   287552  20      1000    0.9328  0.0672
>> >>>> 10000   1E-06   287552  20      10000   0.4988  0.5012
>> >>>>
>> >>>> The point is that if you create a Bloom filter and fill it to 10% of
>> the
>> >>>> intended capacity the number of indices used will be about 6-7% of
>> the
>> >>>> filter bits.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> So how to store the counts? Currently the counting bloom filter uses
>> a
>> >>>> TreeMap<Integer, Integer>. I tried:
>> >>>>
>> >>>> TreeMap<Integer, Integer>
>> >>>> HashMap<Integer, Integer>
>> >>>> TreeSet<MutableCount>
>> >>>> HashSet<MutableCount>
>> >>>> int[]
>> >>>>
>> >>>> The MutableCount is a custom object that stores the bit index and
>> uses
>> >> it
>> >>>> for a hash code and then has a mutable integer count field. It allows
>> >> the
>> >>>> count to be incremented/decremented if the object is in the set:
>> >>>>
>> >>>>   static final class MutableCount implements
>> Comparable<MutableCount> {
>> >>>>       final int key;
>> >>>>       int count;
>> >>>>       // etc
>> >>>>   }
>> >>>>
>> >>>> This is adapted from the Bag<T> collection which stores an item count
>> >> with
>> >>>> a MutableInteger. Here the mutable count is part of the same object T
>> >>>> inserted into the Set. So you can find the object, change the count
>> and
>> >> not
>> >>>> have to put it back into the set. This is more efficient than
>> changing
>> >> the
>> >>>> Integer stored in a Map.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I’ve estimated memory usage using an idea based on this article from
>> >>>> JavaWorld: Java Tip 130: Do you know your data size? [1].
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Basically you:
>> >>>>
>> >>>> - create an object and throw it away. All classes are then
>> initialised.
>> >>>> - Then you free memory (run garbage collection) and get the current
>> >> memory
>> >>>> usage
>> >>>> - Then create a lot of your object (held in an array)
>> >>>> - Then measure memory usage again
>> >>>> - memory = (after - before) / count
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Here is some example output for n bits set in size m:
>> >>>>
>> >>>> 13107 / 262144 (0.050) : TreeMap<Integer, Integer>      =   733947
>> bytes
>> >>>> 26214 / 262144 (0.100) : TreeMap<Integer, Integer>      =  1467866
>> bytes
>> >>>> 13107 / 262144 (0.050) : TreeSet<MutableCount>          =   838928
>> bytes
>> >>>> 26214 / 262144 (0.100) : TreeSet<MutableCount>          =  1677776
>> bytes
>> >>>> 13107 / 262144 (0.050) : HashMap<Integer, Integer>      =  1677712
>> bytes
>> >>>> 26214 / 262144 (0.100) : HashMap<Integer, Integer>      =  2306739
>> bytes
>> >>>> 13107 / 262144 (0.050) : HashSet<MutableCount>          =  1782664
>> bytes
>> >>>> 26214 / 262144 (0.100) : HashSet<MutableCount>          =  2516656
>> bytes
>> >>>>    0 / 262144 (0.000) : int[]                          =  1048608
>> bytes
>> >>>>    0 / 262144 (0.000) : short[]                        =   524320
>> bytes
>> >>>>
>> >>>> The estimate is accurate to 0.0001% for the arrays so the method is
>> >>>> working. The HashMap was created with the capacity set to the
>> expected
>> >>>> capacity of the filter (m).
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I’ve chosen these sizes because at 5% full a HashSet is less memory
>> >>>> efficient than using a fixed size array, and at 10% the TreeSet is
>> also
>> >>>> less efficient.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Note that the java.util.Tree/HashSet versions just wrap a Map and
>> >> insert a
>> >>>> dummy object for all keys in the Map. So here a Set is not as
>> efficient
>> >> as
>> >>>> a Map because in the Map test I always inserted the same Integer
>> object
>> >>>> representing 1. This would be the same as using a Set with an Integer
>> >> key
>> >>>> but here the Set had to contain the MutableCount which has an extra
>> int
>> >>>> field and is larger than an Integer.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> These data lead me to think that a counting Bloom filter should just
>> >> use a
>> >>>> fixed size backing array:
>> >>>>
>> >>>> - If created using the same Shape as a standard Bloom filter it uses
>> a
>> >>>> fixed size. This has high memory cost when the filter is empty but
>> when
>> >> it
>> >>>> exceeds 10% of the intended capacity it is more efficient than a
>> dynamic
>> >>>> backing storage.
>> >>>> - All operations will operate in order(n) time for an operation with
>> >>>> another filter with n indices. Each individual index count in the
>> filter
>> >>>> will have order(1) time for access/update. Performance will be
>> limited
>> >> by
>> >>>> the memory cache of the entire array.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> The issue is that a counting Bloom filter with a very low number of
>> >>>> inserted items will be memory inefficient. But under what
>> circumstance
>> >> will
>> >>>> such a filter be used in a short-term lifecycle? If it is simply to
>> >> merge
>> >>>> into another filter then this can be done using a merge with a
>> Hasher.
>> >> If
>> >>>> counts are to be merged then perhaps we provide a method to merge
>> counts
>> >>>> using the same data structure returned by the CountingBloomFilter
>> >>>> getCounts() method, e.g. using a stream of <index,count> pairs:
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Stream<int[]> getCounts();
>> >>>> void add(Stream<int[]> counts);
>> >>>>
>> >>>> The issue here is the Shape and HashFunctionIdentity of the origin of
>> >> the
>> >>>> merge cannot be validated. So just leave it out and use the merge
>> with a
>> >>>> Hasher.
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Thus the next issue with the counting Bloom filter implementation.
>> >>>> Currently when it merges with a Hasher it puts all the indices into a
>> >> Set
>> >>>> and so will only increment the count by 1 for each index identified
>> by
>> >> the
>> >>>> Hasher. This appears to miss the entire point of the counting Bloom
>> >> filter.
>> >>>> If I hash an objects to generate k indices I would hope that I do
>> get k
>> >>>> indices. But the hash may not be perfect and I may get [1, k] indices
>> >> with
>> >>>> some duplications. This is part of the signature of that object with
>> the
>> >>>> given hash. So surely a counting Bloom filter should accommodate
>> this.
>> >> If
>> >>>> my Hasher generates the same index 20 times this should result in the
>> >> count
>> >>>> of that index incrementing by 20.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> The result if that if an object is added direct to a counting Bloom
>> >> filter
>> >>>> using a Hasher it will have a different result that if added to a
>> >> standard
>> >>>> Bloom filter and then that filter added to the counting Bloom filter.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Opinions on this?
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Alex
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> [1] <
>> >>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 12:35 AM Alex Herbert <
>> >> <>>
>> >>>>> wrote:
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>> I have created a PR that contains most of the changes discussed in
>> >> this
>> >>>>>> thread (see [1]).
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> Please review the changes and comment here or on GitHub.
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> I have left the CountingBloomFilter alone. I will reimplement the
>> >>>>>> add/subtract functionality as discussed into another PR.
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> Alex
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> [1] <
>>> <
>> >>>>>> <
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> --
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