I'm trying to maintain commons-email today, and I want to make a new class
FileObjectDataSource, who implements javax.activation.DataSource.
But things is not as easy as I want.
1. the reason.
the reason for making such a class is when last month I was doing some
school work for graduation project, and in that system I need a backend
server to send emails.
And I want to attach some FileObject (from vfs) as attachments of the
emails sent, so I have to make a class FileObjectDataSource (something
which is actually very similar to javax.activation.FileDataSource but
dealing not File but FileObject).
then I thought this class might be helpful to others, so I want to put it
into some place.
the question is, where shall I put it? commons-email, or commons-vfs?
2. commons-email.
start with commons-email.
If I make such a class into commons-email, then commons-email must add
commons-vfs as a dependency.
which sounds crazy to implement so small a feature to include a large new
3. commons-vfs
If I make such a class into commons-vfs, then some worse things might
First, the javax.activation.DataSource is actually deleted since jdk11, and
commons-email use [jakarta.mail] for Infrastructure, whitch contains a copy
of javax.activation.DataSource.
So commons-vfs must make [jakarta.mail] as a dependency.
which sounds crazy to implement so small a feature to include a large new
Second,  [jakarta.mail] is actually 2.0rc now, and they claimed they would
release 2.0 soon.
and in jakarta2.0, all uses of  javax.activation.DataSource will be
replaced by  jakarta.activation.DataSource.
Also, it is not actually related to vfs itself, but only a usage of vfs, so
I don't think it good to be added to vfs.
4. so maybe I should make another repo for storing such a class?
man, starting a repo for a single class sounds crazy.
5. any better ideas?

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