> On Apr 27, 2021, at 6:57 AM, Gilles Sadowski <gillese...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Le mar. 27 avr. 2021 à 12:32, sebb <seb...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:seb...@gmail.com>> a écrit :
>> On Tue, 27 Apr 2021 at 02:10, Gilles Sadowski <gillese...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> [...]
>>>>> OK to create the
>>>>>    commons-site
>>>>> "git" repository?
>>>> Are you offering to do the work?
>>> If the option is still on the table, I could test the
>>> website-related feature of ".asf.yaml":
>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/INFRA/git+-+.asf.yaml+features#git.asf.yamlfeatures-BranchProtection
>> Please do NOT attempt to use the 'publish' feature.
>> As I already wrote that will likely mangle the current website and may
>> require Infa assistance to untangle.
> I certainly do not want to do that.
>> Removal of a publish entry from .asf.yaml does not undo the checkout,
>> and only Infra have direct access to the TLP server.
> Alas, there is a limit to INFRA's magics... ;-)
>> However, you could experiment with the 'staging' feature, and see how
>> easy it is to publish the site to the asf-site branch.
> I must be missing something because I don't see what there is
> to do then, apart from
>  $ git checkout asf-site
>  $ mvn site site:stage
> And, just as now, the functional (except perhaps for the links to
> the top-level Commons site) static site will be under
>  target/staging

ASF git-based web sites use two branches; asf-site for the live site and 
asf-staging for the 
taged site. So when Sebb is telling you to work on the staging site only he 
means commit 
only to the asf-staging branch.

>> Just don't attempt to publish that branch.
>>>> BTW, I have found out that it is possible to combine site content from
>>>> SVN and Git repos in order to create the website checkout.
>>>> So there is no need to convert to Git.
>>> Is it the solution straightforwardly applicable to the current
>>> setup of the Commons web site? [So that ".asf.yaml" should
>>> not be used for the projects' sites.]
>> AFAICT, yes.
>> The website is currently taken from:
>> https://svn-master.apache.org/repos/infra/websites/production/commons
>> This is done as a single checkout.
>> This could be changed to take the top-level website from its own
>> location, and the dormant, sandbox and proper trees could be checked
>> out into the relevant subdirectories.
>> This should be fine so long as the top-level site does not have any
>> files in those 3 subdirectories.
>> For an example of this, go to
>> https://infra-reports.apache.org/site-source/
>> and enter 'ant.apache.org' in the search box 'Find a web site'
>> You should see 4 entries at different levels derived from different SVN URLs.
>> Note that in each case the parent SVN tree does not have an entry for
>> its children.
>> E.g. The SVN location for ant.apache.org does not have a directory
>> easyant or ivy.
>> Note that .asf.yaml does not apply to SVN checkouts.
>> If we were to determine that Git was better for the proper websites,
> How to do that without a playground for testing?

You create a repo that only has an .asf.yaml in the asf-staging branch. Until 
merge the asf-staging branch to the asf-site branch nothing will be live from 
it as it 
will not have an .asf.yaml file. 


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