
Thanks Alex!

On Fri, 27 May 2022, 3:13 am Alex Herbert, <alex.d.herb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Continuing the thread about switching Travis to GitHub actions...
> Commons RNG has been running travis and GH actions in parallel now for 6
> weeks as an experiment.
> Some PRs have been missed by Travis. The master branch continues to be
> built for all commits. The latest PR was built but about 12 hours after the
> push. In comparison GH actions has been very fast, often building within a
> few minutes.
> So Travis support is flaky for PRs and slower than GH. I propose to drop
> travis for RNG and migrate the following multi-module math derived projects
> to GH actions:
> - Numbers
> - Statistics
> - Math
> - Geometry
> One item to note is that to obtain code coverage requires a switch from
> coveralls to codecov. For RNG this could use a single aggregate jacoco
> report as the multi-module project has an aggregator module for coverage
> and javadoc reports. However the codecov documentation indicates that a
> comma separated list of reports can be used. So as a test I will try and
> configure this for the 11 modules we have in numbers.
> This change will require redirection of the CI build status and coverage
> badges in the README.md page for each module.
> Alex

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