Hello math community!

The current math4.legacy.analysis.interpolation.SplineInterpolator implements 
an unclamped (natural) spline. We recently implemented the clamped spline which 
offers additional parameterization of starting and ending slopes. This 
extension we would like to contribute as a pull request to your GitHub 
repository. Still, we are new to Apache Commons Math and have some basic 

1.      What do we have to be aware of regarding the transition from math3 to 
math4? Is math4.legacy the designated package for future development? If not, 
where to put new functions?
2.      Should we simply create a new spline class which partially duplicates 
code of the original SplineInterpolator, or should we do some refactoring which 
distinguishes between unclamped and clamped spline implementations elegantly? I 
thought about a higher-level super class of a generic spline which bundles 
common functions in order to avoid code duplication in the implementations of 
both the unclamped and clamped spline. The original unclamped spline could stay 
the default method which would ensure backwards compatibility.



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