
Le ven. 2 sept. 2022 à 19:01, <michael.sch...@dlr.de> a écrit :
> Thank you Gilles for your detailed response!
> Gilles wrote:
> > [...]
> > How about "SplineInterpolator" provide a factory method to select one or the
> > other implementation?
> > I.e. something like
> > ---CUT---
> > public SplineInterpolator implements UnivariateInterpolator {
> >     /** Interpolation algorithm variant. */
> >     private final BiFunction<double[], double[], UnivariateFunction> algo;
> >
> >     /**
> >      * Factory method.
> >      * @param clamped ...
> >      * @return a new interpolator instance.
> >      */
> >     public static SplineInterpolator create(boolean clamped) {
> >         if (clamped) {
> >             algo = new Clamped();
> >         } else {
> >             algo = new Unclamped();
> >         }
> >     }
> >
> >     @Override
> >     public PolynomialSplineFunction interpolate(double[] x, double[] y) {
> >         return algo.apply(x, y);
> >     }
> >
> >     private static class Unclamped
> >         implements BiFunction<double[], double[], PolynomialSplineFunction> 
> > {
> >         // ... current implementation ...
> >     }
> >
> >     private static class Clamped
> >         implements BiFunction<double[], double[], PolynomialSplineFunction> 
> > {
> >         // ... your proposed functionality ...
> >     }
> >
> >     // Commons functions ...
> > }
> > ---CUT---
> I like your idea of a factory method for "SplineInterpolator" but am not sure 
> whether it will provide any benefit. The newly proposed "clamped" spline 
> requires two additional boundary conditions specifying the slopes at each 
> interpolation run and thus, simply overloading of the interpolate(...) 
> function of interface UnivariateInterpolator to accept two additional 
> parameters seems to be an attractive approach. Something like this:
> ---CUT---8<---
> public class SplineInterpolator implements UnivariateInterpolator {
>     @Override
>     public PolynomialSplineFunction interpolate(double[] x, double[] y) {
>         // ... current default implementation of unclamped spline ...
>     }
>     public PolynomialSplineFunction interpolate(double[] x, double[] y, 
> double startSlope, double endSlope) {
>         // ... newly proposed clamped spline variant ...
>     }
>     // Commons functions ...
> }
> --->8---CUT---
> Is this still complying with the library design or will it break hearts? What 
> do you think? If we wanted to specify the additional slope parameters in your 
> factory method approach, these parameters would have to be passed initially 
> during creation of the new BiFunction object and thus would require a 
> re-creation of the whole object for each new interpolation run with just 
> varying slope parameters. I'm not sure if this "overhead" is desired :D

Could you perhaps open a JIRA[1] report?  You can then attach a patch,
with use cases, from which we can further discuss what API changes
would best handle them.


[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MATH

> Thanks in advance!
> Michi

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