I sometimes deploy components from the command line, I never use our
Jenkins instance for anything so I can't speak to any builds there, I only
rely on GitHub actions for validating PRs and changes.


On Sat, Sep 24, 2022, 14:25 Alex Herbert <alex.d.herb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have updated RNG to the latest CP and reverted the plugin versions to
> those from CP. The entire build (including examples) is stable and only a
> few non-POM changes were required.
> Perl code to replace the current CP with the next increment up:
> perl -n -i -e '$on = m/commons-parent/ if m/artifactId/; $on &&
> s/(<version>)(\d+)(<)/$1.($2+1)."-SNAPSHOT".$3/e; print;' pom.xml
> This makes some assumptions about the structure of the pom (version must be
> after artifactId, only one occurrence of commons-parent in artifactIds,
> version numbers are major only: 54, 55, 56, etc).
> I have set-up a provisional Jenkins build to build RNG with the latest
> commons-parent [1]. This is as yet untested. The script execution details
> state that #!/bin/perl would execute perl and so I assume perl is on the
> command line. I do not know if this script will execute after SCM checkout
> or before.
> However I cannot find a build for commons parent on Jenkins. So I do not
> know how that is being deployed to the snapshots repository [2]. I could
> create a Jenkins build to do this. But first I would like to find out what
> is currently deploying to snapshots. I thought all old CI jobs have
> migrated to ci-builds.apache.com. The GH actions build for commons-parent
> does not use the deploy goal (and I believe would not have permissions).
> Alex
> [1]
> https://ci-builds.apache.org/job/Commons/job/commons-rng__jdk11_parent_snapshot/
> [2]
> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/snapshots/org/apache/commons/commons-parent/

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