On Mon, 10 Oct 2022 at 08:26, Bruno Kinoshita <ki...@apache.org> wrote:

> Changes report
> look OK too, confirmed the Java version in the description. The text could
> be probably trimmed a little (see the changes-report.html in the parent
> site), but not a blocker.
Thanks Bruno.

For the description there is a lot of detail there. Note it does read
better in the release notes as it is formatted. In the changes report the
new lines are lost and the text is a single paragraph that is hard to read.

If this text is reduced then we should capture it elsewhere.
The description of the module architecture is duplicated in the user guide;
the configuration of the surefire plugin is not recorded anywhere else but
this is something to concern developers and not end users. I can move this
to the 'Developer guide' (see <site url>/commons-rng/developers.html).

Thus the changes description would be more like:

"This is a minor release of Apache Commons RNG, containing a few new
features and performance improvements (requires java 8)"


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