Two cents on a slightly different, but related subject.  I interviewed 3 
different people this year and as part of that laid out my basic "mentoring" 
philosophy and each seemed a bit surprised by it at first (but they quickly get 
why), but to me it is a reflection of the Apache Way.

More or less, here's what I tell them:
1. I won't answer any development questions privately.  I am not your 
"development" mentor.  All of those types of questions must be on list.  In 
most cases, the student probably knows more about the algorithm they are 
implementing than I do.
2. The stuff I will answer privately has to do with you and only you and is 
more mentoring in terms of: status checking, vacation, life issues, 
recommendations for jobs, etc.

At any rate, just thought I would share and also see how other people approach 
this and if they've had similar responses/thoughts.


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