On 8/19/2010 1:00 AM, Anjana G Bhattacharjee wrote:
ARCHIVAL NOTE ONLY as at 28 days since inception of this proposal -
My vote on this proposal if brought to vote would be
- Golf and the other aspects of the proposal have nothing to do with software. - The structure is ungoverned and falls totally outside of the Apache pmc structure and seems to involve some sort of monarch (the Prime Mover).
-  it is involves money unnecessarily, which is never a good idea.
- it is extremely complex, which is also never a good idea.
- I thought it was some sort of joke that I didn't understand and I guess I was mistaken. Although I am not very smart, I think others might also find it difficult to understand how a Prime Mover, golf and a WTF fund have any relevance to the Apache Software Foundation.

The valid point to the proposal is that sometimes a less public address is needed for reporting problems, especially misconduct. I think we can accommodate such complaints in the existing private lists. e.g. Problem with a specific project, you can send to private@<project>.a.o, problem with a PMC or PMC member, you can send to priv...@community.a.o, problem with a community PMC member or board member, talk to a board member you trust. There is also legal-internal if you think some law was broken. Documenting such an escalation procedure, I think is a good idea and should be plenty to satisfy this concern.

Back to fixing bugs for me.... I invite you again to join that effort. After contributing to the foundation for a while and seeing how it works [1], you can obtain sufficient merit to have an influence. I think after you do, you will realize this proposal is not appropriate for the ASF.


[1] http://apache.org/foundation/how-it-works.html

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