
I perceive a low interest of our projects in GSoC. The list of projects that 
submitted project ideas
that I compiled for Sally contained 33 entries of which some are subprojects I 
believe. With 138
PMCs plus 35 podlings, this is less than one fifth of our projects.

We only had 34 ideas one week before our application was due.

I run into committers that are not members of their projects PMCs who are eager 
to be mentors but
have no clue about what's going on because nobody from the PMC forwarded my 
emails to their dev lists.

So the problem seems twofold: no interest and not reaching the right people. 
The latter could be
improved by simply sending to committers@ instead of pmcs@ but it's the first 
that worries me.

I believe GSoC and every other opportunity to attract new contributors to our 
projects should be a
key priority of our PMCs. Apparently it's not, for whatever reasons. I could 
think of missing
cycles, indifference, and wrong priorities.

So what could we do to increase awareness for the opportunities GSoC offers and 
that this program is
important to the foundation? Write more emails? Ask the board to mandate a 
section in board reports
detailing the project's GSoC endeavors? Any ideas?


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