On Apr 10, 2013 7:27 PM, "Ulrich Stärk" <u...@spielviel.de> wrote:
> Folks,
> I perceive a low interest of our projects in GSoC. The list of projects
that submitted project ideas
> that I compiled for Sally contained 33 entries of which some are
subprojects I believe. With 138
> PMCs plus 35 podlings, this is less than one fifth of our projects.
> We only had 34 ideas one week before our application was due.
> I run into committers that are not members of their projects PMCs who are
eager to be mentors but
> have no clue about what's going on because nobody from the PMC forwarded
my emails to their dev lists.
> So the problem seems twofold: no interest and not reaching the right
people. The latter could be
> improved by simply sending to committers@ instead of pmcs@ but it's the
first that worries me.
> I believe GSoC and every other opportunity to attract new contributors to
our projects should be a
> key priority of our PMCs. Apparently it's not, for whatever reasons. I
could think of missing
> cycles, indifference, and wrong priorities.
> So what could we do to increase awareness for the opportunities GSoC
offers and that this program is
> important to the foundation? Write more emails? Ask the board to mandate
a section in board reports
> detailing the project's GSoC endeavors? Any ideas?

one suggestion would be to make an apache page,  that in short tell
1) what should a proposal contain
2) what is required with asf to be mentor (on a asf project)
3) a short part about asf and our cooperation with google
4) How to proceed.

I know you and others have e-mailed all that information, and quite a lot
more. A page (which are referenced in the e-mail) would make it easy for
someone like me, to get the information I need fast, and if I feel it, I
can always find more details.

Thx for doing a great job, and yes there could have been more
projects....but take it positively, we have some projects.

jan I.

> Uli

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