I don't know if this is the right list or not (infra?), but I saw the topic 
here (and it is the 4th or 5th such request I've seen in the past 3-4 months) 
and in my mind it relates to improving the community, so I figured I'd discuss 
here first and then maybe we can take a proposal to infra@.  

It really is time for the ASF to modernize moderation and our mailing lists.  
The current approach is very antiquated compared to other lists/groups I 
moderate (LinkedIn, Google Groups, Wordpress, etc.) and it is no doubt a drain 
on what is already a fairly constrained resource (i.e. committers, PMC members 
and heavy contributors).

Things that I think we need in order to make moderation easier:
1. Web interface where you can bulk process requests, either accepting in bulk 
or rejecting in bulk.  The mail by mail approach is horribly tedious and is so 
often overwhelmed by spam that it takes too long to find the ones that aren't 
2.  Figure out a way for official ASF communications to PMCs, etc. to NOT have 
to be moderated.  I find it ridiculous after all this time that I have to 
moderate in messages from board members, or others, etc. to PMC and/or other 
lists.  There should be official communication channels that authorized people 
can use when they sign in w/ their ASF credentials.
3. Better spam detection such that any email that is NOT spam, after sitting in 
the queue is automatically sent back to the user w/ instructions on how to 
subscribe to and properly send mail to the desired list.  Anything that is spam 
is put into a separate folder automatically and left to die after X days like 
the current approach.

Other mailing list nice to haves:
1. For user (as opposed to dev) mailing lists, when someone sends an email to 
the list, automatically do a search in the archives first that replies back w/ 
potential answers and FAQs, thus offloading the I can't bother to perform a 
search first questioners.
2. Web interface. Web Interface. Web Interface.  Don't get me wrong, I want a 
good old fashioned email, but a web interface would bring in a lot more people 
in my opinion b/c now I can pull instead of being pushed too.  For some lists 
that I participate in less frequently, this would save a lot of work for my 
email server while still allowing me to participate in the list.
3. The ability for moderators to pin topics to the top for all users (i.e. 
FAQs, etc.)
4. Search

In other words, real forum software.


On Apr 16, 2013, at 7:09 PM, Ross Gardler wrote:

> It seems that we need another moderator or two for this list - any volunteers?
> Ross
> Ross Gardler (@rgardler)
> Programme Leader (Open Development)
> OpenDirective http://opendirective.com

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