
I've written a summary for the OFBiz track but am having problems editing the wiki to copy it in. Logging in is fine but I cant change anything. Please can someone check that I've got edit access?


On 12/12/2014 17:25, Ross Gardler (MS OPEN TECH) wrote:
Track organizers you have a small job to do...

Sally is working up a marketing campaign to align with ApacheCon. This is a 
campaign for the foundation not for ApacheCon itself, however it will run 
during the push for attendees and is intended to both ride on the ApacheCon 
press and contribute to it.

In order to help Sally plan this campaign can you please provide a 3-5 sentence 
description of your track in the wiki 
(https://wiki.apache.org/apachecon/ACNA2015ContentCommittee). Don't worry about the 
details. We'll help flesh out a more "marketing friendly" set of words. We just 
need some guidance on what your track will contain.

As an example here's what I wrote for my cloud track:
"The cloud changes everything. The Apache Software Foundation changes everything. 
This track will focus on how The Apache Software Foundation and, more specifically, the 
Apache projects are often found at the core of the latest and greatest innovations in IT. 
Sessions in this track will show how the Apache Way enables the largest and the smallest 
of companies to work together to redefine IT. We'll also take a look into the future of 
cloud computing and how Apache projects fit into, even defines, that future."

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