But that then provides the ability to create a larger eco-system
of binary providers.

> On Jan 6, 2015, at 3:45 PM, Nicolas Lalevée <nicolas.lale...@hibnet.org> 
> wrote:
> I would add something about the build of the sources. Because having sources 
> without having a repeatable build or having no clue about how to build it, it 
> makes the sources quite useless.
> I had some troubles recently with a project. Its build depends on a resource 
> which is not available anymore. And I find it quite shameful since it was a 
> project about a build system.
> Nicolas
>> On 2015-01-06 18:28, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Creating such a model has been on my todo list for ages, and in a
>>> related discussion on board@ people seem to agree that having this can
>>> be useful.
>>> So let's start - here's my rough initial list of items:
>>> Code: open, discoverable, fully public history, documented provenance
>>> Quality: security, backwards compatibility, etc
>>> Contributions: welcome from anyone based on technical quality
>>> License: Apache License, dependencies must not put additional restrictions
>>> Community: inclusive, meritocratic, no dictators, clear documented path to 
>>> entry
>>> Discussions and decisions: asynchronous, in a single central place, archived
>>> Decision making: consensus, votes if needed, technical vetoes in the worst 
>>> case
>>> Independence: from any corporate or organizational influence
>>> Releases: source code only, notices, long-lived release format
>>> Related efforts, inspiration:
>>> http://osswatch.jiscinvolve.org/wp/2014/12/11/open-or-fauxpen-use-the-oss-watch-openness-rating-tool-to-find-out/
>>> http://rfc.zeromq.org/spec:16
>>> -Bertrand

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