On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 11:24 AM, Roman Shaposhnik <ro...@shaposhnik.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 12:42 PM, Daniel Gruno <humbed...@apache.org> > wrote: > > The main reason we do not support git in this workflow is that git does > not > > enable single-file checkouts, and that we haven't properly tested > gitwcsub > > (a git version of svnwcsub which is the frontend for svnpubsub) for web > > sites yet. If there is sufficient demand, however, that could change - > the > > code that would make this possible does exist. > > FWIW: I see quite a bit of demand for that on the poddling side. Every > single > poddling I've onboarded in the last year opted out for Git and had to > 'grok' > why is there a bit of SVN thingy sticking out as a sore thumb in otherwise > 100% Git workflow they've picked. > > Thanks, > Roman. > Don't they also have to use SVN for pushing releases to the dists/mirrors? How do those newly onboarded projects view that? Do they understand that more, because it's less often updated than the site?