
There is no need to pick on OFBiz. I have organized the speakers for ACEU
2012, ACEU 2014 and together with Sharan interesting talks for ACNA 2015
are lined up. Each were/are full tracks. Again for ACNA2015 I experienced
unwillingness upfron at some parties because of skewed cost/benefit ratios.
Nevertheless, like for ACEU 2014 we have more talks for ACNA 2015 than
space in a track. We even have input for a panel/Q&A session, that we are
looking into.

If you (or your assisting organisation) want sponsors for such tracks, I
suggest you/the ASF run to the names you know and start asking.

Best regards,

Pierre Smits

Services & Solutions for Cloud-
Based Manufacturing, Professional
Services and Retail & Trade

On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 4:37 PM, Rich Bowen <> wrote:

> On 02/04/2015 03:42 AM, Pierre Smits wrote:
>> We are discussing again, as it seems to me, what the purpose of the
>> Apachecon is based on talks submitted. And why is that?
> For what it's worth, we have made a concerted effort for ACNA15 to ask
> project communities to step up to make ApacheCon what they think it should
> be. If a project wants a track (even now) and can provide the content for
> it, we'll schedule it.
> If OFBiz, for example, wants to provide us with a track that has more the
> focus that you think we should have at ApacheCon, make it happen, and we'll
> schedule it. (I pick on OFBiz, at least in part, because they made a real
> effort to do this exact thing in EU.) If that brings sponsors along with
> it, all the better.
> The open CFP phase is over, but if someone brings me a track (n * 6 talks,
> for an n day track), we'll make it happen. Within reason - in agreement
> with Joe's comments else-thread, I'm not keen on running corporate
> advertisements at ApacheCon. But if there are companies that are deeply
> involved in an ASF project (as is the case at OFBiz), then, yeah, I'd love
> to see their content showcased.
> So, yes, we can only schedule content that is submitted, but we've made an
> effort this event to go out and get those submissions from specific
> communities. At future events, we'd like to see more communities step up to
> do this hard work.
> --
> Rich Bowen - - @rbowen
> - @apachecon

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