On 2015-03-04 00:13, Lefty Leverenz wrote:
Way cool!  I just tried "Fetch releases from JIRA" and now it shows Hive
releases starting with 0.3.0 in 2009.

One technical glitch, though:  release 0.9.0 is near the top of the y-axis
and then 0.10.0 drops down to the bottom.  After 0.14.0 there's a jump up
to the top with 1.0.0.

Apparently the release number is being treated as decimal notation.
Yeah, patches are welcome - I'll need some javascript snippet that can figure that out generically.

With regards,

-- Lefty

On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 3:08 PM, Daniel Gruno <humbed...@apache.org> wrote:

On 2015-03-04 00:04, Lefty Leverenz wrote:

Kudos, Daniel!  Great idea.

Question 1:  How can RMs add release data if they aren't PMC members?
   (This might be answered by your most recent message.)

They can't, which is why the email sent to people that push to dist says
to contact a PMC member to add a release.
They can, if you use JIRA, push a release tag there and have a PMC just
auto-update the lot once every quarter.

Questions 2 & 3:  Do the chart timelines advance week-by-week or
month-by-month?  How often is the template refreshed?  The #emails sent
the past 3 months" and "in the previous cycle" confused me -- does a cycle
mean a reporting cycle or just a moving 3-month period?

Charts advance weekly. The comparison is not related to the reporting
cycle, but is always the past 3 months compared to the 3 before that.
If you use the service a few days before submitting a board report, the
data should be accurate :)

As a longer-term suggestion, could the submitted reports get pumped back
into the Apache Reporter Service and displayed for public access, charts
and all?  'Cuz I'm naturally curious about other projects.

All board reports are public on the foundation web site already.

With regards,

  -- Lefty Leverenz
On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 2:58 PM, Daniel Gruno <humbed...@apache.org>

On 2015-03-03 23:09, Christopher wrote:

  Pretty cool.
A couple of suggestions:

1) if the release dates could be kept up-to-date from versions marked in
JIRA as "released" with a date (
that'd be really cool.

  There is now a link called "Fetch releases from JIRA" which will fetch
release info from there :)

With regards,

  2) If the system could send a reminder about upcoming report deadlines,
that'd be cool, too (maybe even expose them as ical, so we can see them
any calendar app).

3) It'd be really neat if one could fill in the missing bits into a
and click "submit" to email directly from the interface.

Christopher L Tubbs II

On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 5:50 AM, Daniel Gruno <humbed...@apache.org>

   Hi folks,

as some of you will have noticed, either by the commits I just made or
conversations going on elsewhere, I have started work on a new helper
system for PMCs called the Apache Reporter Service. This is sort of an
external addition to Whimsy, and shows various statistics and data for
projects, designed to aid chairs (and other lurkers) in viewing and
compiling data for board reports.

The system is now live at: https://reporter.apache.org - you will need
be a PMC member of a project to view this site, and you will - in
general -
only be shown data for projects where you are on the PMC.

The system will show you:
- Your next report date and the chair of the project
- PMC and committership changes over the past 3 months, as well as
additions if >3 months ago
- The latest releases done this quarter (if added by RMs)
- Mailing list statistics: number of subscribers as well as number of
emails sent this quarter and the previous
- JIRA tickets opened/closed this quarter (if correctly mapped within
- A mock-up of a board report, with the above data compiled into it (to
edited heavily by the chair!)

Quick-navigation (hot-links) can be done by using the LDAP name of a
project in the URL, for instance: https://reporter.apache.org/?apr
navigate directly to the Apache Portable Runtime project if you are on
PMC (or a member of the foundation).

The report mock-up is meant as a help only, not a canonical template
board reports. Vital items, such as community activity and board issues
intentionally left for the reporter (chair) to fill out, and heaven
the woman/man who submits a report with these fields left as default

Later today, I plan to enable the distribution watching part of this
service, which will send reminders to anyone who pushes a release, that
they should (not required, but if they want to!) add their release data
the system, so as to help others using the system to get an overview of
status of any given project.

I have already gotten a lot of really useful feedback, but if you see
something you'd like to change, either shoot me an email here on the
list, or commit a change to the system in svn.

With regards,

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