Today I found out about yet another Apache event that is almost here and I hadn't heard about before.

I also noticed that is ... kinda embarrassing.

This, in conjunction with Jan's question a week ago about who managed the calendar on people.a.o, which is completely a separate thing from the calendar I thought he was talking about - the Google calendar, at - makes me wonder why this is so hard for us.

So, two questions:

1) What other calendars are out there, and what can we do to consolidate them?

2) How can we get PMCs to put their events in that consolidated calendar, once it exists, so that we don't have all of these last-minute event surprises, and, also, so that we can help in promoting our communities' events?

Suggestions welcome.

I, for one, am a fan of nuking every calendar we come across, and publishing the above Google Calendar all over the place, and then making a google form for people to submit events.


Rich Bowen - - @rbowen - @apachecon

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