Edward, I should also have pointed you at some useful speaker materials at 
http://community.apache.org/speakers/slides.html (state of the feather is in 
you inbox).

-----Original Message-----
From: Ross Gardler (MS OPEN TECH) [mailto:ross.gard...@microsoft.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 12:26 AM
To: dev@community.apache.org
Subject: RE: I'm looking for "State of the Feather" filetype:pptx

Edward, I will send you the State of the Feather presentation offlist.


-----Original Message-----
From: Edward J. Yoon [mailto:edwardy...@apache.org] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 12:09 AM
To: dev@community.apache.org
Subject: I'm looking for "State of the Feather" filetype:pptx

Hi community,

In this month, I plan to talk about ASF at my company as below, and wanting to 
reuse some slides from a presentation that you created for the overview of ASF. 
I googled "statistics apache software foundation"
(this web page doesn't show anything w/ Loading Data...) and ApacheCon
2015 Ross Gardler "State of the Feather" filetype:pptx, ... but couldn't find 
the sources. And I'm wondering whether there's some comparison with Linux 
Foundation or Eclipse.

If possible, Please share with me. And, if you have any suggestion/advice to me 
(or message to my coworkers), Please let me know.


Date: May 20, 2015
Location: Future Hall at Samsung Electronics
Attendees: Samsung Group employee of the world

Title: Open Source at Apache Software Foundation
Speaker: Edward J. Yoon, a member of Apache Software Foundation
Summary: In this talk, we're going to take a look at what Apache Software 
Foundation is, which projects are being developed, and how to contirbute them.

= Agenda =

10:00 The Strategy of Open Source - Han Jiyoen (OSS group at Samsung)
10:20 How to work with an Open Source Foundation - Brian Warner (Linux
11:00 Open Source at Apache Software Foundation - Edward J. Yoon (Apache 
Software Foundation)

Multimedia Track 1 (FutureHall)

13:30 FFmpeg, 15 years after - Reynaldo Verdejo (SRA-SV OSG)
14:35 Gstreamer in IoT - Luis Guimera (SRUK OSG)
15:40 Dash and HLS support in Gstreamer - Thiago Santos (SRA-SV OSG)
16:50 Gstreamer running in Tizen - Jeon HuiChul (Software R&D Center)

System Track 2 (Challenge Hall)

13:30 Linux DVB framework enhancement - Sung JeongHak (Software R&D Center)
14:35 CIFSSRV : New Sailing - Jeon NamJae (VD division)
15:40 Detecting silent data corruptions and memory leaks using DMA Debug API - 
Shuah Khan (SRA-SV OSG)
16:50 Systemd - Joe Waryong (Wireless Division)

Web Track 3 (DA Hall)

13:30 ~ 16:50 Chromium Contributing Explained - Adenilson Cavalcanti (SRA-SV 

Best Regards, Edward J. Yoon

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