Melissa, as said previously, all the best for your recovery.

Folks willing to volunteer. There are plenty of folks volunteering to help, but 
they have other commitments as well. We are looking for someone who will 
coordinate our volunteers which requires full time attention (using volunteers 
to help).

Thanks all.

Sent from my Windows Phone
From: Melissa Warnkin<>
Sent: ‎7/‎10/‎2015 5:22 PM
To: Members - Apache<>; 

Good evening and Happy Friday!!
Due to medical reasons, I am unable to attend OSCON and "woman the booth"; 
therefore,  I am in need of someone that can replace me as the booth 
Crucial dates:
Exhibitor Move-in:  Monday, July 20th, from 8:00 - 5:00; Tuesday, the 21st, 
from 8:00 - Noon
Expo Hall Hours:  Tuesday, the 21st, from 5:00 - 6:00 for the opening 
reception; Wednesday, the 22nd, from 10:00 am - 4:30 and the booth crawl is 
from 5:40 - 7:00.
Exhibitor Move-out:  Thursday, the 23rd, from 5:00 - 9:00pm; Friday, the 24th, 
from 8:00 - Noon
Job responsibility:
   - Set up and tear down the booth (an hour (tops) of work, if that, on both 

   - Keep the table supplied with the giveaways (all boxes will be in the 
booth, so all you have to do is open them and set the items on the counter! And 
this year I have a new hanging banner to replace the honking 8'x8' monster wall 
banner that took two people to assemble!!)

   - Coordinate with the others that have volunteered their time to assist with 
booth duty so that someone is at the booth at all times
   - Mingle, network, and have fun!!!
   - Eat, drink, and be merry!

What's in it for you, you might ask?!:
   - The pleasure of replacing me! ;) LOL
   - If you agree to be the coordinator and fulfill the roles as described 
above, The ASF will cover your travel and expenses, which also includes the 
hotel and expo hall registration, which allows you to attend all the evening 
events and lunches.
Please get back to me with your interest ASAP so that I can make the necessary 
arrangements.  Local folks strongly preferred (naturally) due to the lateness 
of this notice, and this offer does not apply to International folks (sorry - 
you all know that I love you, but we can't justify that expense!).
Your help is greatly appreciated.  I was just informed yesterday that I have to 
go in for surgery on the 22nd, hence the very late notice.
I already have several folks lined up for booth duty; however, they are 
attending OSCON with their day job, and so their main responsiblities are with 
their companies.
Please get back to me ASAP if you are able to help!!
Thank you so much!

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