On Sat, Aug 8, 2015 at 5:09 PM, Louis Suárez-Potts <lui...@gmail.com> wrote:
> (top post)
> So, I pinged the nice folks at Slack (and they really are nice!, or at least 
> the guy I communicated with), and asked them about:
> * open source: No.
> * the issue of uncaptured conversations, as Ted D. mentioned ("there is a 
> huge danger of off-list discussions…").
> To the latter, which James H. of Slack recognised as important, he suggested:
> <quote>
> ...our new-ish reactions feature:
> http://slackhq.com/post/123561085920/reactions
> One team I'm in has coopted a particular emoji to flag conversations as 
> off-topic – a friendly but brief way to say "please take this elsewhere". 
> This probably wouldn't work for the social dynamics of every team, but it 
> does work in this particular case.
> </quote>
> I further replied that in this case that the technical solution seemed 
> interesting but that given the basic nature of the problem (it’s a human 
> thing), I’d guess that the solution will necessarily include discipline. 
> Cutting off options is going to get increasingly hard and we (Apache) run the 
> risk of coming to seem fustian, stodgy, obsolete, old fashioned and 
> everything else.

Has it been three months since the last time that we were about to be
obsolete on these grounds?

We state a principle:  open communications, sacrificing real-time in
order to achieve inclusion. We've moved quite a distance in tolerating
more real-time, by imposing the backoff requirement of good
record-keeping. People who don't see the value in the inclusion can
write us off as stodgy. 'Less work for the incubator' might be the
ultimate curmudgeon response. Two defining values are inclusion and
careful tracking of code provenance. The first challenges real-time
communications, and the second challenges ... github.

Perhaps—as with GitHub—discipline and then yet more recognition of the
importance of inclusive community, is the ticket.
> louis
>> On 07 Aug 15, at 06:13, Ulrich Stärk <u...@spielviel.de> wrote:
>> We use it to communicate with people in all parts of the world. US, South 
>> America, Several European
>> countries, Asia. So I'd say it's pretty global.
>> Uli
>> On 06.08.15 19:24, Louis Suárez-Potts wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I’m curious who here also uses Slack. Besides me, that is.
>>> One thing I’m interested in is, How global is its reach?
>>> -louis

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