On Aug 20, 2015 08:52, "Jim Jagielski" <j...@jagunet.com> wrote: > > Coming in late. > > A snapshot is not a release. Licenses "kick in" at distribution/ > release.
I want to fix FUD before it infests the rafters and subfloor. I really have never read something so stupid or ill phrased... Every contributor committing code to any ASF project, or even contributing it to us in public forums (including our mailing lists, our bug trackers, etc) is committing that code under the AL or has designated explicitly what licence it came in under (commit message: forked from BSD-licensed code base at {URL}.) It is generally AL code all the time. I don't know where you invented a 'kick-in' concept, but unless the committers are violating their ICLA/CCLA, nothing could be further from the truth. > There is also a trademark issue as well... only the ASF > can declare something as a release. There we agree :)