Hi Daniel.

I know that David gave a keynote (was there) with the numbers you mention,
but I imaged making it more "official" like this report, so we have
something to sponsors and other interested.

We need to promote ASF, and this could be one  way of doing it.

jan I.

On 30 September 2015 at 17:20, Daniel Gruno <humbed...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi Jan,
> We actually did the math last year for ACEU 2014, I'll try to find it for
> you.
> But in short, take the LF number, multiply it by 1.25 and you sort of get
> to the figures we were discussing back then.
> This is highly subjective and not in any way an _actual_ science (neither
> are the LF numbers, they're all just big guesses), but it's fun do try out
> the math :)
> We have around 140-150 million lines of code at the moment, which by using
> our own model would take around 38k person-years to do (LF has used some
> math that makes coding take even longer - by their standards, it would take
> 50k person-years to write our code). We had a very conservative cost
> estimation at $2B back then. By LF standards, that figure would be $6.1B.
> With regards,
> Daniel.
> On 2015-09-30 16:59, jan iversen wrote:
>> Hi.
>> This report is real interesting reading, it could be real cool to do the
>> same math for ASF.
>> Is anybody interested in forming a small work team (a LABS project), and
>> try to do the calculation for ASF ?
>> rgds
>> jan I.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Linux Foundation <no-re...@linuxfoundation.org>
>> Date: 30 September 2015 at 14:21
>> Subject: A $5B Value: The Code in Linux Foundation Collaborative Projects
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>> The
>> Linux Foundation today is releasing its first-ever report that attempts to
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>> Projects. The report is titled “*A $5 Billion Value: Estimating the Total
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>>     - The total *lines of source code* present today in Linux Foundation’s
>>     Collaborative Projects are *115,013,302*.
>>     - The *estimated, total amount of effort* required to retrace the
>> steps
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