Patricia Shanahan wrote on 5/21/16 9:41 AM:
> In connection with the "Encouraging More Women into Participate in
> Apache Projects?" I am going to try to talk to some student groups,
> especially a WIC chapter, about Apache.
> Part of the presentation will be directly related to why women do fine
> in ASF, including my personal experiences. That I can and should write
> myself.
> I also need a general introduction to ASF, and why a young programmer
> should consider getting involved in it. I'm sure that has already been
> written. Any suggestions for presentations I could adopt and adapt?
> Patricia

ComDev has a speaker resources page.  I urge everyone who has a relevant
slide deck or the like to add it there:

Separately, if folks are also interested in how the internals of the
Foundation are governed, we've got that too:

- Shane

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