> On 21 05 2016, at 11:19, Shane Curcuru <a...@shanecurcuru.org> wrote:
> Patricia Shanahan wrote on 5/21/16 9:41 AM:
>> In connection with the "Encouraging More Women into Participate in
>> Apache Projects?" I am going to try to talk to some student groups,
>> especially a WIC chapter, about Apache.
>> Part of the presentation will be directly related to why women do fine
>> in ASF, including my personal experiences. That I can and should write
>> myself.
>> I also need a general introduction to ASF, and why a young programmer
>> should consider getting involved in it. I'm sure that has already been
>> written. Any suggestions for presentations I could adopt and adapt?
>> Patricia
> ComDev has a speaker resources page.  I urge everyone who has a relevant
> slide deck or the like to add it there:
>  http://community.apache.org/speakers/slides.html
> Separately, if folks are also interested in how the internals of the
> Foundation are governed, we've got that too:
>  http://www.apache.org/foundation/governance/

These are good slides. Thanks for the reminder, Shane.

I'd also suggest that, as I've learned ("from personal experience": anecdotal 
and specific but maybe useful), I was able to engage and involve more people 
(regardless of subject position [translated: however they define themselves or 
are defined as selves by others]) by being concrete and specific regarding 
projects. ASF as a general idea is great, but it's about doing, and that means, 
at least for me and for many others, doing in particular projects. In practice, 
this means it might help (read: probably will, but not necessarily) focusing on 
those projects you think cool and (or) know. Also helps to bring out the 
stalwarts of those who can speak to the virtues and excitements of their 
projects. And Apache has a lot of those and that's to its credit.


> - Shane

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