Le 26/08/2017 à 21:58, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
Le 26/08/2017 à 20:15, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
Why is there a redundancy with committee-info.txt and projectName.rdf files at
comdev\projects.apache.org\data\committees ?
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I mean about the PMC part in projectName.rdf of course
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OK this is related with http://svn.apache.org/r1691273
and the discussion Hervé and Sebastian had (could not find it at
Ah forgot one point: committee-info.txt is maintained by chairs when projectName.rdf files are accessible to all committers (or PMC members, or ASF
members? I'm all that, so not sure if others have the same accesses).
After reading the discussion between Hervé and Sebastian, the question still
stands, why both?
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